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Ohm's pov-

I saw Perth dragging out Nanon, I felt pissed I stand up deciding to follow them but got held by pond. Where you're going? He asked and I glared at the door from where Perth took out Nanon. Nowhere. I replied and sat down again.

Was you about to follow Perth? Pond asked and I look at him with my blank face. No! I again said and rubbed my temple. This shouldn't be my matter where they go I said in my head and took out my mobile.


I already come back to home but Nanon still haven't showed up. I rubbed my temple as I already looking at the contact number of Nanon. I'm still not sure if I should call him.

It's been 20 minutes now I'm still staring at the screen. I threw the phone on couch and leaned back and sighs. When I heard the footsteps and I opened my eyes just to see Nanon coming inside. But he looks happy.

Where you was? I asked as he looked at me and showed his dimple smile. Nowhere just with friends. He said and I get irritated that he is lying to me. Why you're lying to me I saw Perth dragging you out! I said trying to not yell at him. Aw you saw- I didn't let him spoke and stood up. By chance are you having interest in him too? I said with rude voice.

What are you saying ohm I was just with him to help him. He said and I close my eyes to calm down I don't know why I'm so upset with this. Whatever! I said and walked towards upstairs. I know I'm getting angry over little things but I have short temper problem. Plus I hate having that feeling and I don't understand myself here.

I shut the door and went in bathroom to take shower.

Nanon's pov-

Huh! What happened with him he doesn't even listen me. Honestly the look he gave me I feel like I was cheating with him. I heard the door shut. Why he is angry now? I asked myself I was with Perth to help him about his date.

He wanted to propose chimon he asked me about chimon's like dislike not that but he took me to penthouse where he's gonna propose chimon I helped him to decorate. And that's why I get late.

I should have informed him. I again forget that I have his contact number with me. I sighed and went in my bedroom. I took shower and wore my clothes and went downstairs to prepare the dinner for me and ohm.

I took out the ingredients and went towards the fridge and took out chicken.


I cooked chicken curry and plain rice. The food smells so good my mouth watering because I'm really hungry. I took the big bowel and placed on dinning table. I went back in kitchen and grabs the Jug of water. As I look upstairs because I need to call ohm. I went upstairs.

As I stand in front of his room I don't really have courage to even knock. I took long breath and finally knocked. Ohm I prepared Dinner come downstairs. I said and immediately left from there.

I come back to dinning table and sat down on chair my heart was beating fast. After few minutes I heard the footsteps and the spicy wood smell hit my nostrils. As ohm sat down on the chair in front me.

I looked at him and he was looking at the food. I will serve you the food. I said and stood up I served him as well for me I sat down back on my chair and grabs the spoon and started to eat.

While chewing on my food I glanced at ohm who is eating peacefully. But non of us talking it's kinda felt awkward too. I sighed and faced ohm and spoke. Perth want to propose chimon. When I said that ohm faced me he directly looked into my eyes so I look away but continue to speak. He wanted me to help him to decore the penthouse. And asked about chimon's like and dislike that's why I was late. I said and again glanced at him.

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