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Author's pov-

Nanon went to college without having his breakfast. As he enters in canteen he saw his two friends having their breakfast he walked towards them and take his seat beside chimon who looks really happy today.

Hi guys good morning! Nanon said and his two friends smiled at him warmly good morning non. Phuwin said and Nanon glanced at chimon who is busy typing on his phone.

Nanon pulled the plate from chimon and started to eat the food then tried to peek at chimon's phone screen and saw him chatting with Perth.

You're talking with Perth again? Nanon asked chimon when he looked at Nanon with shocked eyes and immediately turn off his phone what the hell Nanon you can't look at someone's phone screen. He said and made fake angry face.

Shut up don't you know he is ohm's best friend Nanon said and chimon nodded his head I know but I don't think Perth is just like ohm. Chimon said palming his cheeks. And you know what? he invited me in tonights party. Chimon said and held Nanon's hand which makes Nanon confused because the way chimon giving him the puppy eyes meanwhile phuwin already understood and shook his head.

Non the party is at ohm's mansion can we please go there please please? Chimon said and Nanon immediately shook his head what the hell chimon we should not join their party please! Nanon said and removed chimon's hand from his arm but chimon again held them.

Nanon I know even though I did not told you that I like Perth I'm sure you already knew about it please let's go na?! Chimon said with pleading voice but Nanon ignored him and continue to have his food.

How mean you're chimon said and faced another direction before crossing his arms. But let me tell you something prim also joining the party. Chimon said and peeked at Nanon only to see him stopped eating he knew his idea will work but chimon did not lied prim is really going to join the party tonight.

What did you said? Nanon asked and chimon nodded his head yes she will be there too. In fact the whole college will be at his mansion can't we go please please? Chimon again said but this time Nanon's mind is playing he knew he likes prim and always ready to be near prim.

He gave up and sigh fine we will join them. Nanon said and chimon hugged Nanon really tightly in excitement. What non will you really go there? Phuwin asked.

Yes since I live there I should join and you know prim will be there too. Nanon said and winked at phuwin.

And you're also joining us tonight. Chimon said to phuwin who shook his head no way chimon I rather not go there I'm sure again they will show off their richness. Phuwin said and Nanon chuckled.

It's OK phuwin this will be last time I'm agreeing with chimon please let's go because I'm sure chimon will be busy hitting on Perth I don't wanna left alone. Nanon said and phuwin mad pout.

Non then don't go you know ohm hate us 3 phuwin said. He might hate us but I'm living there you guys can also join at least I won't be alone there. Nanon replied and drank the water.

OK let's go for classes. Chimon said and they 3 left from the canteen.


Nanon's pov-

I was packing my bag when I felt a little tap on my shoulder I turn around just to see prim standing behind me I smile at her and she gave her most sweetest smile to me. Yes prim? I asked when she tucked her hair behind her ear and spoke.
Nanon I actually want economics notes I asked everyone but they said they don't have much notes can you please borrow your note book to Me? She said and I nodded my head.

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