Chapter 3: Titanic

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"OH MY FUCKING- AHHH!", Lizzie screams. She immediately brings me into a hug and kisses my cheeks as I do to her.

"I missed you so much!", I exclaimed.

"Don't forget about me!", Amy joins in the group hug. We all pull away.

"I could never!", I say sarcastically. We all laugh and someone suggests photos, so obviously the next 10-15 minutes will be about getting the best angle.

We get one of their friends to take photos of our little trio in front of the YouTube display, as well as at the side of the boat with the city view in the background.

At this point we realise that the boat has left and this is officially a yacht party. Amy also takes some solo pics of me and favourites the ones she thinks I should post.

"Definitely that one!", she points, "your tits look fire!".

I laugh at her comment, "ahah maybe".

Us three decide to go to up another level to the top level of the yacht. We get up and it's just a lounge area and a gorgeous view.

We take some more photos and then all decide to put our phones down and enjoy the moment. I finish my drink, the other girls do as well.

"I'm happy to go get us all some champagne", Lizzie suggests.

"Are you sure about that? Or did you see someone you like downstairs?", I tease her.

"No! I just wanna help out my girls!", she defends herself, badly.

"I'll go with her, just to make sure she doesn't flirt with any by passers", Amy says to me before they walk away.

Yet again I'm left alone in a party full of people I barely know. I lean onto the side of the boat, looking into the city lights and breathing in the fresh air. It's so crazy how far we are from the city, but how I can still see almost every detail.

Simon's pov

It's been about 30 minutes and finally the boat is leaving the dock. I do not wish to be here any longer than necessary.

I spend the first ten minutes with the group until JJ finds his more famous 'friends', Vik finds his Minecraft friends, and the others split up.

I'm standing at a table with Tobi, Ethan, and Harry, with a beer in my hand and looking through the photos we took on my phone.

I put my phone away so I look more 'social', although us side-boys live with each other so there isn't much to talk about.

My eyes wander around the entire boat, trying to find something to save this party. Until they find something I was never expecting. What? There's no fucking way.

My expression must've changed since all three of the boys are looking at me funny. I get snapped back into reality, believing that what I just saw was a dream or something.

"What?", I say confused.

"What did you just see?", Tobi asks.

"Nothing", I defend myself.

"You looked like you saw a ghost or something", Harry puts in his input.

"Oh, well it was just-", I loose track of what I was saying when I see her. This time I believe it. It's that girl who bet me in a FIFA match last year in Germany. Jade.

I watched her videos for a while at the time, but recently she's been completely out of my head.

"Dude?", Ethan clicks his fingers in front of my face.

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