"I'm so glad you're ok." He muttered, his voice wavering. "I'm just so glad. I wish you didn't have to go through that."

  "I'm ok, Lu. I'm really ok." She said, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.

    She hugged him back so tightly, it made his heart ache. He knew she was putting on a brave face. The way she held him told him everything he needed to know.

  "Stop lying, Misaki. I know you're not ok."

   "I am though. I'm ok because you came to get me. The feelings I have will fade. I know I'll be ok. Because I'm with you." She said, her voice muffled.

   Luffy wanted to believe her. But something told him it wouldn't be that simple. Still, he let it go for now. He wanted her to be happy today, especially with it being the last day in her reality. Especially considering what Momma J had to say earlier. Speaking of which.

   "How's your head feeling, by the way?" Luffy asked quietly. It was hard for him to be quiet, but he knew she must have had a headache.

   "It hurts but not as bad as yesterday. I think some advil would help for sure though." 

   "Do you want me to get that?"

   "Nah, let's just lay here for a minute." She said, turning her lips into his neck and kissing him softly. Luffy felt goosebumps raising all around. There was a flutter in his stomach that she always gave him. She kept kissing, almost like she was trying to start something.

   "Hey M'?" He whispered questioningly. She ignored him and kept kissing, wiggling a little in his arms. She kept kissing down his neck and nuzzled his collarbone, making him squirm a little. "Hey... should you really be...?"

   "Shhhh."  She shushed, making his face redden as she grazed up the other side of his neck.

   "Misaki!" He gasped as her hand slipped down his shorts. He reached down and grabbed her wrists, pulling them both up so that he could see them. She chuckled at him.

   "Worth a shot." She muttered with a wry grin.

   "You're trouble, you know that?!" He said, kissing her on the nose. "Let's get dressed and get you that stuff for your head.

   "Ugh, fiiiine. Party pooper."


    After we got dressed, we headed to the kitchen. It was midday, but to me, it was morning, so I decided to make bacon and eggs. I popped the advil as Luffy scarfed down his and my food, making me sigh.

"Didja have to eat mine too?" I asked, returning to the skillet to cook more.

"Sorry M'." Luffy mumbled. "I haven't eaten since yesterday.

"I'm sorry, Lu. I should have known you'd be starving. I'll make a little extra while I'm at it." I didn't think about the fact that he didn't really eat much the entire way home. Not only that, but I was sleeping on top of him, which meant he never made it to breakfast time either. And with the way Luffy burned energy, he was probably half starved by then. My head felt a lot better after we ate.

    "I gotta be honest with you, Misaki." Luffy said, glancing at me. "You might want to take a shower."

    I frowned at his statement. Was I that rough? I didn't really think about how I hadn't showered in a while. Luffy's eyes widened a little bit.

    "I didn't mean that to sound so harsh! You've just been through a lot and I know you like to be clean and stuff! And people are gonna be home soon!" He said, turning to face me and putting his hands up. I rolled my eyes at him.

   "No, you got a point. Come to think of it, I haven't showered since before I got snatched." I said, making Luffy wince at my lackadaisical way of referring to my kidnapping. "I'll go take a shower now."

     When I got into the bathroom, I gasped at my reflection. I hadn't looked at myself yet. My normally dirty blond hair was almost brown, and sat messier than usual. The swelling in my face had gone down tremendously, but a gash covered in butterfly bandages laid above my eyebrow, as well as another one that ran along the edge of my cheek bone, just under my temple. There was still a little dried up blood from the ordeal, mostly stuck in my hair. I know I was tired, but it would have been nice if someone had made me take a shower or at least clean up better.

     I reached up to grab the edge of one of the butterfly bandages and winced. Guess it's best if I just leave these on and let them get wet. If they came off, I would just put more on. But as it was, they held fast to my skin, and I didn't want to make the wounds worse by yanking the bandages off. These were the type of bandages though that it was ok to let them get a little wet.

   I was glad I let my mom take my scarf and wash it. It had been through the ringer with the amount of sweat and blood it had endured throughout the torture I had received. I was just glad the guy didn't damage it or throw it away somewhere. As for my bracelet and necklace, I had tucked them away in my luggage that I planned to return home to the Sunny with, so they didn't end up getting ruined either.

    I turned on the shower head and brushed my hair as the water warmed up. Technically, I probably shouldn't have been getting the deeper wounds wet yet, but I needed a shower more than anything else. I was actually embarrassed that I had been snuggled up to Luffy all night while I was this gross. He didn't say a word about it.

    The brush wouldn't stop snagging in my hair from all the dried blood, so I gave up and climbed into the shower. The hot water burned over my wounds, making me wince. I looked down and watched the dirt and blood run off of me and go down the drain. The entire shower smelled like iron, making me wonder just how much blood was actually on me. I stepped out of the stream of water so I could check my wounds, making sure I hadn't reopened them somehow. Nope, that's just how much blood I had on me. Fuck.

    I shampoo'd my hair and made sure to run a washcloth over my body, scrubbing away all of the horrid feelings from those days. I let everything wash down the drain. The soap, the blood, the dirt, the sweat, the pain, the horrible feelings, the sense of helplessness... I washed that horrible couple days down.

    I stayed in the shower for what seemed like an eternity. Even when the water started to run cold, I stayed. I felt kinda bad. I knew Luffy intended on showering after me, but I just couldn't pull myself out of the pounding stream of water. I finally sighed and shut off the water, my skin too cold to stay any longer. It would only take about an hour for the hot water to come back at least. I dried off and threw on some clothes so that I could continue my day, free of the turmoil from the days prior.

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