"He only drinks сүүтэй цай..." Mongolia informed her of his favorite drink. "何? すうてい つあい?! What is that?" She never heard of this thing called "сүүтэй цай" until now, "It's the type my family brew, you need  milk to make it..." Now that he mentioned it, Mongolia never talks about his relatives, "Do you have a family?" She pulls a chair out and sits in front of him whilst gazing at the map, "I had one... until I don't..." What did he mean by that? Her curious mind thirsts for deeper intel, "What happened to them?"

"The same thing that eventually happens to everyone... they passed away..."


What was this -- Questions and Answers game? Mongolia grunts to let her know his annoyance, "I don't know, I can't remember... probably of old age or something, now stop questioning, I'm focusing... and Korea, let go of my arm!" He roughly pulls his limb away from the upset dragon, still down in the dumps with the idea of being with Japan. 

"Sorry, I assumed you had a younger brother or sister. Unless you're an only child?"

"Can you believe this guy is over six hundred years old?"Korea calls out Mongolia's age. upon hearing that, Japan choked on the tea she sipped, "*Cough* Excuse me?!" Mongolia runs his hand down his face, not this again, "I rather prefer you kept my age hidden..." He grumbles to Korea, he whispers a faint sorry. Nevertheless, it has been said, Japan now knows Mongolia's age, which is astonishing when you think about it. "You must been through a lot, do you have any tales/stories/histories to share?" He could see the glimmer inside her eyes when she was leaning close to him, she was practically looming over the table, such an excited teenager, "Nope, even if I did, I don't enjoy talking about it..." 

"You're certainly the secretive person, so mysterious..." She gives him back his space so he returns to working on the map. "That is his usual behavior, he's been like that ever since we met," Korea clarifies, Mongolia ignores the conversation about him between Japan and Korea. At least they stopped arguing. "*Yawns* Mongolia... I'm sleepy..." Russia inhales deeply, his small fangs exposed for a short period. "It has gotten late, and we gotta a busy day ahead of ourselves... and by we, I meant myself."

"Wait... you're not bringing us with you?" Japan and Korea both desired to explore the town more. "After what happened today, I'm not gonna take any chances..."

"I'm sorry if I was such a bother, but can you at least let me tag along? What if you needed some muscles? A dragon by your side is a reliable option to have!" He attempts to persuade Mongolia to bring him, "If I wanted a dragon with me, I would've brought Russia, which I will, considering you two might hurt him betwixt your fights..." Russia hollered with joy, deep inside he knew he wouldn't be excluded 

"But Mongolia-" 

"Enough! We'll discuss it tomorrow, alright? Right now I just want to sleep..." He rolls the scroll back to its original form and keeps it tucked inside his bag. "Russia, come alone," The two of them go into the room on the left, Korea and Japan are to sleep on the right. Both were frowning, sharing a similar mindset, "This can't be happening..."

Well, it was happening, and there wasn't anything they could take action on. Once Mongolia settled his mind there was no turning him around, the guy's distinctively obstinate about his decisions...


"Now, this side is yours and this part is mine, seems fair?" Korea put a pillow forth on the bed, he possessed 70% of the bed whereas Japan only had a small proportion, her body would only fit if she laid sideways. "I have a complaint-"

"No? Okay then, good night!" He jumps and plummets on the bed, letting out a wail to express his pleasure. Japan scorns the unjust resolution, so she kicks Korea in the waist to make room, "OW, YOU BITC-"

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