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"Of course! That's what I'm here for", she said with a little laugh.

Welcome to Veritas Del Sole! With sprawling grounds that boast manicured gardens, ancient olive groves, and breathtaking views of rolling hills, students are enveloped in an atmosphere of tranquility and inspiration. Students are not just encouraged, but expected to do above and beyond. Our school is known for providing the best quality of education, sports, and field trips.

"So Dream what brings you here?"

"Well, I'm carrying my families legacy." Before I could get a word in.

"Are you Dream Hartz?"


"I was your mothers school counselor...Edwina Banks. God I miss that woman."

"Haha the fact that you remember her name is crazy." I said having her attention. I wanted to hear more.

She said, "Well I got to say I have good memory, but she was the best student I've ever had. She was a valedictorian, and rewarded the most athletic student that ever stepped foot here."

"Yea she talks about it all the time," I said under my breath.

The loud bell rings forcing our conversation to end. She leads me to the cafeteria. We say our goodbyes. I hurry to the lunch line to be first, and seeing the food makes me realize how hungry I was. My stomach starts to growl, and my mouth begins to water. I grab a chicken salad, and a juice box. I sit down at the table with the least amount of people. As I sat down I notice a group of girls staring, and laughing at me. I ignore it, and read a book, while rewarding my stomach.

A boy snatches my book. His eyes were brown and his skin was tan like a sunset. His hair was brown, and curly. His body was giving body builder, his arms had tattoos, and were covered in veins. You could tell he'd been working out.

"What are you reading?" He said.

The audacity to snatch my book without asking. Who do he think he is?

"Can you please give me my book back."

"I would say no, but since you used the words please. I'll think about it." He chuckles and flips through the pages, trying to rile me up.

I snatch the book from his hands, but as I pull away the pages rip. I shoot him a glare that could freeze fire. He raises an eyebrow and smirks, unfazed by my glare.

"Oh, feisty one, aren't you? " he says, his smirk widening.

"I have every right to be feisty. You better glue each page before giving it back to me!" I yelled so loudly, it turned the faces of others.

But before I could see the boy's reaction, the cafeteria monitor approached us, bringing the commotion to a halt. "Pardon me, what's going on here? " The cafeteria monitor's stern voice cut through the tension. The boy leans back in his seat, wearing an innocent expression.

Her eyes sharpened, and she addressed the boy sternly, "Do you have another problem, Mr. Caruso?"

He tucked the book away safely in his bag to hide the evidence.

"I was just trying to have a friendly chat with your new student," he replied, his smirk replaced with an angelic smile.

"I didn't get your name. What's your name?"

"Dreamy," I said with an unconvincing smile.

She raised her eyebrows skeptically, unimpressed by his attempts to ease his way out of trouble.

"You need to remember our school guidelines, Mr. Caruso," she said firmly, her eyes scanning his guilty face.

"Of course, Mrs. Fernandez, I apologize for any disturbance," he said, giving a slight nod of understanding.

SHH, DON'T TELL ANYONETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang