The girl’s appearance caused everyone’s eyes to light up.

The camera lights kept flashing, but it didn’t affect the people on the stage at all.

The brighter the lights, the brighter Shi Xi was.

[F*ck, why is Shi Xi here at the IW Fashion Show? Don’t they never invite celebrities?]

[Shi Xi isn’t a model. Why would she be on the show?]

[She looks so good in a cheongsam!]


In the age of the internet, the video of Shi Xi’s appearance at the IW Fashion Show was quickly circulated.

#Shi Xi’s Green Cheongsam#

In the video, a slim girl in a dark green cheongsam walked to the front of the T-shaped stage.

The round fan moved slightly to cover half of her face, and the beauty in her makeup was like colored glass.

Her long eyelashes were slightly raised, and one glance was ten thousand years long.

After the video was broadcasted, the viewership index doubled.

[Ah, ah, ah, ah! This mother fan has gone bad. Shi Xi is my wife from today onwards!]

[Don’t you have a wife? Why did you steal my wife?]

[Aowu, what a great outfit! I really want to get the same style of this cheongsam.]


482 Her Voice Cracked While Singing, She Slipped While Dancing, And Did a Somersault in the Air

[Don’t even think about it. That dress was personally designed by a senior designer from IW. It’s not for sale.]

[My god, what kind of resources did Shi Xi get to eat? That’s awesome.]

[Shi Xi in green and Shi Xi in pink are both so beautiful, I’m moved.]

[So, the black fans are chirping again? You’re jealous of Shi Xi’s resources, so you started spreading all sorts of rumors about her having a sugar daddy yesterday?]

[Maybe she got this resource by sleeping with them. Fans, stop bragging.]


There were all sorts of comments on the internet, with fans and haters, and it was extremely chaotic.

However, this couldn’t cover up the fact that Shi Xi had once again stunned everyone at the IW Fashion Show.

Before leaving for M Country, Shi Xi had left a godly picture for the internal entertainment industry.

And it even spread abroad.

[The looks of the Chinese contestant in [The Top]. Is this the beauty of the Chinese?]

[Wow, she looks so cute. I really want to watch the show soon.]

[She doesn’t look very smart. She doesn’t seem to know how to sing or dance.]

Very quickly, there were fans explaining below.

All-round idol, campus belle, top student, variety show belle, top popularity.

In the midst of the excitement, [The Top] finally began recording.

As it was a talent show of the five countries, the program was extremely popular.

Even the netizens who didn’t watch talent shows knew about this program.

They sincerely hoped that their idols would not make a fool of themselves on [The Top].