20 Khushi's Wrath

Start from the beginning

Khushi came to GH all frustrated. She composed herself, to see Guptas were back from the shopping and were cheerfully discussing the things they bought. They smiled to see her. Khushi silently sat with them and looked at the clothes they showed to her.

She didn't know how to start. They would be heartbroken. More than that, they would be scared about Payal's wedding with Akash. Thank God, she went to RM and seeded suspicion in Raizadas' mind. She knew Arnav. He already had doubts about Shyam and his intentions. From here on, Arnav would take care of him.

Payal noticed Khushi being silent. She was confused to see her not reacting. She should have hopped in happiness and made the place lively by now but she looked gloomy unusually.

"Khushi, what happened? Why are you silent? Are you alright?"

All of them looked at her and spared a glance as she was not answering.

"Khushi, tell me what's wrong"

"Beta, why are you silent? Payal is asking you something" Shashi said.

Khushi looked at him miserably. Everyone became panicked, seeing her in grief. Payal stood up and came to her.

"Khushi, what happened?"

"I don't know how to say, jeeji"

"Why, Khushi? You would tell me anything, right?"

"Payaliya, call Shyam babuwa... he knows how to make her talk," Buaji said with a teasing smile.

That was it. Khushi glared at her.

"If you take his name again, I would not be a good girl, Buaji," she said wrathfully.

Guptas were taken aback, seeing her anger. They had never witnessed such Khushi in their life.

"What happened, Khushi? Why are you furious with Shyam? What did he do? Don't you want to marry him?" Buaji asked.

"Marriage my foot" she yelled.

In the meanwhile, Arnav and Akash reached Laxmi Nagar. They got out of the car and inquired about Shyam in two opposite directions.

"Whaaaat? Is he married?"

"He said he has no one..."

"Is not he an orphan?"

"Is he a Raizada Damad?"

"Why did he lie that he is unmarried?"

"What's the necessary to lie about his wedding?"

Such questions came from people when Arnav said Shyam was married. He intentionally said that because he didn't want Shyam to roam freely in Laxmi Nagar anymore. He recorded their statements on his mobile.

On the other side, Akash came to Gupta House and got stuck, hearing Khushi shouting.

"Marriage my foot"

Guptas spared a glance.

"You want me to marry Shyam, right? Go and get to know who he is...! He is a pure rogue...! Being a married man, he said yes to marry me"

"Whaaaat? Is he a married man?"

"Yessss... his wife is none other than Anjaliji... Arnavji's sister"


"That's why that rogue vanished when Raizadas came to our house"

Not only Guptas but also Akash was frozen. They didn't know what to do. Akash was angry like hell with Shyam. Did he try to marry Khushi? How cheap! Anjali loved him from the core of her heart. His family celebrated him like their own son but he?

"I told you not to hurry. See, my guess became right" said Shashi.

Buaji and Garima looked at each other horrified.

"How did you know he is Anjaliji's husband?" Payal asked.

"Anjaliji called me and asked me to attend Sathya Narayan Pooja that was held in RM. I went to attend it. That was when I got to know Shyam is her husband. Just think, Jeeji, what would have happened if we didn't get to know the truth? We would have made a sin. Raizadas would not have trusted us and forgiven us forever"

"Thank God, it didn't happen"

"It was him who cheated us but he said cheap about Raizadas... how cunning he is!" Garima said.

"I don't know how to face them..." Buaji said.

"I didn't tell them about his proposal," Khushi said.

They huffed in relief.

"I was supposed to say that but he stopped me"

"Please, don't tell them, Khushi. They may get angry with us and stop Payal's wedding" Garima pleaded.

"I was silent only for that... or else, I would have beaten him up with my slipper," Khushi said wrathfully.

Akash silently moved from GH. He saw Arnav inquiring about Shyam. He stopped moving. He became nervous. What would be Arnav's reaction if he got to know Shyam's intention of marrying Khushi? Though he became submissive towards Khushi these days he might turn against her if he got to know Shyam's proposal. What was Khushi's mistake in this? But Arnav would not think anything straight if it came to Anjali. He would not think twice to do anything.

Arnav saw Akash and came to him.


"People in Laxmi Nagar are shocked about Shyam's marital status. No one knows that he is a married man. Di is right. He could have hidden the family background but what is necessary to hide his marital status?"

Akash didn't know what to say. Yet, he managed.

"I think he may have the intention to do that"

"You are right... we should not take him lightly."

"Yes, Bhai..."

"Shyam must be watched"

"Yes, Bhai"

"His real intention must be known," Arnav asked.

"Yes, Bhai"

"Arrey, what happened to you? You are repeating the same answer to my questions"


Arnav nodded yes.

"I will take care of her. I hope you will be with me"

"Sure Bhai"

"Shall we go?"

"Yes, bhai"

"Arry, we are in Laxmi Nagar and you don't want to meet Payal?" Arnav asked.

Akash got stuck. He knew the situation was not good in GH. He didn't know what would they do seeing them in GH. He didn't know whether going to GH would be a good idea or not.

"Come on, Akash. They would feel bad if they got to know we came to Laxmi Nagar and left without meeting them" Arnav walked towards GH.

Akash followed him without any choice nervously.

To be continued...

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