Citadel's Flames of Malice (Crossover Idea)

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With the Skeleton King risen once more, the Hyperforce has their hands full, alright. But when a report comes in of a lone shard of the Citadel of Bone landing on Earth and having been found by someone, Chiro and the monkeys head to Earth, specifically Japan, where they meet the Kitchen Ichinose Alliance in an attempt to hunt down that shard. However, they may end up getting more than they bargained for, with Chiro's past coming to light in the process...


Chiro is the leader of the Hyperforce, and seems to have a strange immunity to Skeleton King's advances despite his fears of being influenced by him. This is revealed to be due to the fact that he used to be Skeleton King's minion before he defected after he met Skellion, who left/presumably died, which means he's no longer susceptible to his manipulations. While upfront and a bit prone to goofing off, he knows when to get down to business and does his best as the leader to ensure no one else gets hurt. 

Ichinose Houtarou is Kamen Rider Gotchard, a rookie alchemist who fights alongside Chemies against Geryon and his forces. However, after the fight against Geryon in the Alchemist Academy, it's revealed that HE's the one who's picked up the shard, and it leads him to shed his "façade" as he attacks Chiro. While normally he's determined, a bit headstrong and optimistic, the influence of the Citadel of Bone shows a more vicious and creatively evil side of him, highlighting that even he's prone to having a dark side. 


The laugh was simple but man, did it send shivers down their spines as Geryon looked up, smiling all the while. "Oh, you had me GOOD. You really thought I was the one who had the shard to make these Malgams!"

Chiro bristled, even when ice began creeping into his mind, his gut feeling's screams suddenly more visceral... "What do you mean by that?!" 

Geryon smirked. "You had me, really. I never felt it, not even once, that you were the one. But now, it makes sense that my Malgams suddenly got so much stronger! Being in proximity with that shard gave them a boost! I must have it!"

"Proximity...?!" Rinne scowled. "You're not making sense."

"Let's just end him right here," Spanner said, his hands already moving to slide a Chemy card into his Valvarusher. 

"Yeah, he's talking nonsense, we'll figure it out later on," Sparks agreed, his magnets whirring up again.

But in that midst, Chiro suddenly felt really, really frozen, a realization hitting him. 

Geryon hadn't been looking at him, no, he had been looking...

His head swiveled over. Images filled his mind.

"Is it really that scary, Steamliner? I think we should ask Sabimaru-senpai to analyse it, so let's pick it up..."

And then another.

"Oh, come on, it's not that bad... :3 Hm, is this what using forbidden alchemy feels like? Man, it feels so good...!"

No... it couldn't be...

Black met blue, and Chiro felt his feet, his mouth move. "GUY-"

And then, he pounced, and boy, did he POUNCE. Chiro barely dodged the attack, even as all the heads swiveled over.

Geryon burst out laughing. Atropos felt a smirk curl up on her face. "As it turns out... The guardian eventually fell to the darkness too."

Minato was pale as everyone watched Houtarou get up.

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