Chapter One- The Meeting

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Elizabeth had a close relationship with her brother in law. Although he didn't often allow her to leave the house without some sort of protection. But since he was out on business, Elizabeth took the chance to go out on her own. She decided she was going to grab her basket and go downstairs. Kissing Nancy goodbye before going outside and getting into the carriage. Fortunately for Elizabeth, there was a bookshop in town that she loved to go to, and it was filled with amazing books that many did not touch. So that was where she was heading to, simple yes. However it was something that brought her pleasure. Looking out of the window as the carriage rode on out of the gates of the estate towards the town.

Elizabeth took in all of the sights that were out of the window as she rode past. There was not many times that she went out into town, unless she would try and sneak out but she would always be caught. Which for her would not end too well. Even if Nancy's husband treated them both well, Elizabeth missed the freedom she had when she was younger, the excitement  of doing jobs for fagin, pick pocketing and getting away with it. She missed it all. So when Elizabeth's carriage arrived in town she was in awe seeing it all again, "Head straight to the book store please Gerald." Elizabeth spoke kindly.

Everything was going well until she heard commotion ahead, deciding to keep herself to herself she looked away from the window and refused to look at anyone. Until she heard a couple of cracks and a scream which caused the carriage to stop. Getting herself out immediately she looked around, spotting the boy who was partly under the carriage. Elizabeth grabbed her dress and rushed over to kneel down next to him. "Doctor!!! We need a doctor!!!" Elizabeth yelled out to others to see if they could help.

Jack was in trouble.

This wasn't a new occurrence for him. He often found himself in one type of trouble or another. Today's, though, had him terrified. He was either going to outrun the large man chasing him with a hatchet, or he was going to lose his hand.

As one of the city's only surgeons, that presented a problem for him.

He leapt over a barrel and cursed himself for spending yet another night out gambling. Of course he needed the money, but he knew the risks and had been too confident that he would instead reap the rewards. What he hadn't counted on was the other man cheating, leaving him owing more money than he would ever make in his lifetime.

He stumbled over a pile of trash someone had left in the road, but he picked himself up quickly. He had the motivation of self preservation on his side, and it kept him going two times faster than he could run on a good day.

"Jack!" the man chasing him spat, "I'm going to get you one way or another!"

Jack had heard that before. He didn't let it get to him. He wasn't a scared little boy anymore. He was a man now, and a surgeon.

As a kid, he never dared to dream about being anything more than a con and a thief, but he'd gotten himself away from that. Well, for the most part. He was still prone to picking pennies from those who wouldn't miss them, and his gambling habit had gotten him in some sticky situations, but other than that he was an honest man.

An honest man who was going to lose his only means of performing surgery if he didn't lose the tail. He turned abruptly into an alleyway and ducked behind a dumpster. It smelled rotten, but not worse than the disposal at the hospital. He held his breath as the man with the hatchet ran by, still searching for him.

Once he was out of range, Jack let himself relax and catch his breath. He leaned his head back against the wall and stared out at the street.

For everyone else, it seemed like a normal day.
People in what barely passed as clothing and more so fell along the lines of rags milled about, talking and haggling and complaining. Jack recognized some of them from the hospital.

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