10th Doctor x Reader

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Imagine: Confronting the Doctor about the way he compares you to Rose.

"I'm sick of it, Doctor," You exclaimed as you walked into the console room to see the Doctor working on the console, "I've tried ignoring it, but I'm tired of it."

You and Rose had been friends when she was on board, and you were just as upset about her fate as the Doctor was, but that gave him no right to treat you the way he does. He constantly compares you to the blond, and that upset you probably worst then her departure. It made you feel second best...

He scooted out from under the console and raised an eyebrow, "What are you babbling on about, [Y/N]?"

"I think you know," You grabbed his arm and pulled him up.

"I really don't. That's why I asked," he put his sonic screwdriver in his pocket and leaned against the console.

You took a deep breath, "I get that you miss Rose, Doctor. I do too, but last time I checked, I'm not her! So please, quit comparing me to her! I'm sorry I don't meet your expectations like she did, but I'm trying."

He stood in silence a moment and just stared at you, making you shift uncomfortably. You hated when he did this.

"Well say something!" You finally shouted.

"What is there to say?" he asked, "You're right, I shouldn't comapre you to Rose. It's not fair."

"No, it's not," You shook your head, fighting back tears. You weren't oblivious to their relationship, and it broke your heart at times. You had known the Doctor longer than she had, and it irked you that she had manged to worm her way into his hearts so easily. Weren't you enough for him?

 "Is something else wrong?" the Doctor stepped towards you. "[Y/N], what's the matter?"

"Nothing," You shook you head.

"Don't lie. Please, don't lie to me."

You looked up at him and wiped a stray tear from your cheek, "Why do I have to be the rebound, Doctor? Would it have been better if I was pulled to the other universe?"

"What? No!" he said instantly, "Not at all."

"Don't lie," You said this time, looking him dead in those ancient eyes that were filled with many diferent emotions.

He sighed and looked down at his worn Converse, "[Y/N], you aren't a rebound. You're so much more than that."

"Oh really? Because I don't feel like it."

He surprised you by taking you hand, "If I lost you...oh, I can't began to fathom the despair I'd feel. Yes, Rose Tyler will never be forgotten, because she was very near to my hearts, but you? You were the first person I met after I lost my home, the first person that cared, and for that, I will be forever in your debt."

"Doctor..." You breathed.

He smiled softly, "I'm so sorry for making you feel bad. I truly am."

You couldn't help but smile.

"How about I take you somewhere brilliant to make it up to you?" he suggested, already running around the circumference of the console.

"Like where?" You asked, gripping onto the edge of the console to keep yourself from falling over.

He gave you one of his manic grins and winked at you from across the console, "Barcelona!"


I hope it's good! I'm also taking requests! :)

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