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Tempe, Arizona


It was move in day for all the incoming freshman of Arizona State University. Three girls would be sharing the same apartment. It could either go good or bad.

Arizona State University thrived with amazing athletic teams and amazing academics. Most freshman with athletic scholarships chose to come to the school because of the amazing coaching staff's.

"Welcome to Arizona State University!" A Dean of students spoke into the microphone, "As many of y'all know, it's move in day. Y'all will walk over to the wall outside of Coor Hall, y'all will see y'all's dorms or apartments numbers. When Mister Hall announces the call that y'all are good to go, y'all may find y'all's names and numbers."

Within the next five minutes, Mr. Hall released the new students to the outside of Coor Hall. Three girls made their way over to the wall. On the end of the wall their first initial and last names could be found in alphabetical order.

R. Fenty, B. Knowles, and O. Maraj.

The three girls stood next to each other. Two of them towering over the smaller one.

"Oh hell no." The smallest one spoke up.

"Damn, shorty, don't even know us and you gotta attitude." The one with green eyes spoke.

"Do y'all two know each other?"

"Nah." The blonde haired one said.

"So we don't know each other and y'all are already picking with me."

"Delusional." The blonde haired one spoke again.

"I'm going to the housing office and get my room changed."

"And where is that going to land you? No where, housing is packed to capacity." The green-eyed girl replied.

"Whatever." She huffed, walking away from the two girls.

"Shorty tripping."

"Ain't you the girl that was the number one prospect for girl's basketball in the class of twenty twenty-three?"

"That'll be me." The blonde chuckled, taking in the green-eyed girl's complexion.

"Don't look at me like you wanna fuck me, cause that ain't happening."

She shrugged, putting her hands in her adidas sweatpants, "We'll see."

They both conversed walking to their U-hauls. The smaller girl left the taller ones.

She had already collected her set of keys from the housing department. Her and her parents were making their way to the apartment.

"Don't get pregnant, Tanya." Her father spoke, driving the U-haul to the apartment complex.

"How many times have we had this talk? Plus, I don't even like boys!"

"We've also had this talk about you liking girls also." Her father gritted. She backed down, sulking into her seat, "Have we not?"

"We have."

"So don't be pregnant and don't bring home any girls on thanksgiving break."

"I want my mommy."

"She's in her truck, you'll see her soon."

"Why don't you want me dating a girl? We both know I won't date a boy."

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