Chapitre Trois- ch. 3

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I was amused by the woman in front of me, and she seemed far off of Marcus's description. Beautiful yes, but she didn't come off as serious at the moment. Today she almost looked out of breath, had a massive stain on a very white shirt, and had streaks of paint all over her.

She handled my comment well, laughing and looking down at her feet for a second. "A project gone wrong. I'm sorry to keep you waiting, I'm Leni," she smiled kindly offering her hand out.

"No worries at all, I'm Charles," I said back taking her hand to shake it. "I'm sorry it's just me today, Marcus got caught up this afternoon but told me I'd be in good hands."

"Well let's hope he is right. Can I show you around," Leni asked gesturing with her hands.

"Of course, I'm exited to see your work but I'd love to get my mom something too if that's okay?Her birthday is next week."

"Of course, happy birthday to her. Any preference?"

I hummed for a second trying to imagine what my mom would like. "Landscapes."

"I can work with that," she smiled and said back to me.

Starting the tour, I personally witnessed what Marcus talked about. This woman oozed art and loved every piece she introduced me to. Information about the artist, what inspired the painter, style of strokes. She knew it all which just added to how attractive she was. Seeing someone in their element share their knowledge was always appealing.

Leni had talked me through 5 paintings that took 30 minutes or so. Then she brought me in front to of a landscape that immediately caught my attention. The gradual color of the landscape combined with the pop of color in the front. I loved the detail of the flowers and found myself leaning in closer to try and see how the artist made such a tiny stroke look so realistic.

"You like that one I can tell," Leni said softly beside me.

I smiled at the comment. "I think so. Can you tell me about it?"

"It's titled Wild Flower Field, simple I know. The painter is an Italian named Paul Garbesi, he had been a successful artist for 30 years until he stopped painting for a ten year time period."

"What happened to him," I asked curiously while scanning the background of the painting.

"At 60 he lost his wife, and this was his first art piece created on the same day 10 years later. He saw his wife in the wildflowers."

A sad grin formed on my lips along with the feeling of my throat tightening. "It's perfect," was all I could manage.

"He has a website that links his art to his stories, would you like the link to share with your mom?"

I shook my head before answering. "I'll make sure to share the story with her on a day that's best."

My eyes finally pealed away from the painting and I looked at Leni. A small crease formed between her eyebrows only for a moment taking in my comment before she relaxed her face again. I saw her open her mouth for a second before closing again, so I decided to help move the subject on. For her and for me, I had landed her in a tough conversation unintentionally.

"Well now that we have the one for my mom, I need to see the Marcus recommended painting," I told Leni swinging the conversation.

Leni took a deep inhale through her nose, I could her shoulders raise from her breath. "Are you sure you don't want to look through the rest of the gallery? These artists have much more credibility I promise."

I could tell the change of subject to her art suddenly changed the energy around her. The last 30 minutes she was in her comfort zone, so I wanted to continue that. "I at least have to see it first."

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