"I'll name this Hoshi 0.2!" Y/N declared happily, patting her drone affectionately, her face glowing with pride.

"Why that name?" the older woman inquired, her curiosity evident as she looked at Y/N with a gentle smile.

"Because I already have my brother as Hoshi 0.1!" Y/N explained with a broad grin, her eyes twinkling with a mix of pride and playful mischief.

The older woman sighed softly, a hint of sadness clouding her eyes. "Your big brother is not going to come back anymore, Y/N." she said gently, her voice laced with sympathy.

"I know, that's why I'll treat my drone as my big brother, even though I was the one who made it." Y/N replied with a giggle, her smile unwavering. She knelt beside her drone, her fingers tracing its contours with a blend of affection and determination.

The older woman watched her, feeling a mix of pride and heartache, as Y/N's bond with her creation grew stronger in that moment.

The drone, now a symbol of her brother, represented both a piece of the past and a beacon of hope for the future. Y/N's laughter echoed around the yard, a poignant reminder of resilience and the power of memory.

"Let's go inside and have some tea." the older woman suggested softly, placing a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder. "You can tell me more about your plans for Hoshi 0.2."

"Okay, Nanna." Y/N agreed, her eyes still sparkling as she stood up, ready to share her dreams and ideas. Together, they walked back to the house, leaving the drone resting on its marked spot, a silent guardian of cherished memories.


Sana, dressed in a short, vibrant floral dress that seemed to mirror her fiery spirit, burst into Mackenyu's office with an air of urgency. "I don't need any lover, Mackenyu!" she exclaimed, her voice sharp and resolute.

Mackenyu, seated behind a desk cluttered with documents, barely looked up as he continued to sift through the papers in his hands. His demeanor remained calm and composed, a stark contrast to Sana's agitation. "Yes, you do, Sana." he replied with a hint of a smile, his eyes briefly meeting hers. "Father already found the perfect match for you."

Sana's expression hardened, her frustration palpable. She took a few steps closer, her heels clicking against the polished floor. "NO. I. DON'T." she declared, enunciating each word with precision before slamming her hands down on the desk, making the papers flutter. The force of her action sent a clear message: she was not to be easily swayed.

"Quit resisting and just follow what Father wants, Sana." Mackenyu retorted with a weary sigh. He set down the documents he had been perusing and leaned back in his swivel chair, his expression a mix of resignation and determination.

Sana's eyes flashed with anger as she folded her arms tightly across her chest. "Why would I? I've already told you I don't want to be in a relationship! I still have time! I'm only 27!" she exclaimed, her voice rising in frustration. She looked down at Mackenyu with a raised eyebrow, her stance defiant and unyielding.

Mackenyu met her gaze with an equally resolute look. "It's not up to me, Sana. It's Father who decided, not me." he uttered, his voice steady and unyielding. The sharpness in his eyes mirrored the tension between them, leaving no room for doubt about the seriousness of their predicament.

Sana took a step closer, her frustration palpable as she gripped the edge of his desk. "And what about what I want, Mackenyu? Doesn't that matter?" she demanded, her voice trembling slightly with the intensity of her emotions.

Mackenyu sighed again, running a hand through his hair as he leaned forward. "Of course it matters, Sana. But you know how Father is. He believes he's doing what's best for you." he said softly, trying to inject some understanding into his tone.

Sana shook her head, her expression softening for a moment before the fire returned to her eyes. "I can't just blindly follow his wishes, Mackenyu. I have my own dreams, my own life to live." she insisted, her voice firm but tinged with a hint of desperation.

Mackenyu looked at her for a long moment, the tension in the room thickening. "I know, Sana. I really do. But this is the path that's been set for us." he replied, his voice heavy with the weight of their family's expectations.


"Eliminate the black sheep of the family and ensure there are no leaks. We can't allow that child to live; she will be our curse. She'll only bring us misfortune." the impeccably dressed man instructed, his voice carrying authority as he strode purposefully down the polished corridors of his corporate empire.

His secretary and assistant trailed behind him, their expressions a blend of deference and trepidation, attuned to every word that fell from his lips.

"Consider it done, CEO." the assistant responded promptly, his tone conveying both loyalty and efficiency.

"Excellent. Cancel the meeting for today. My daughter wishes to visit our mall." the CEO concluded, a faint hint of paternal affection softening his otherwise stern demeanor.

His directives were met with silent nods of understanding from his devoted subordinates, who were accustomed to executing his wishes with precision and discretion.

* * *

I'm back! Comment your feedback for this and I hope you enjoy this :))

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