" The trip was informative," Jason says nonchalantly and puts his hands in his pockets. " Did ya know, shorty over here has chronic pain and nerve damage? Might be something to bring up to Leslie."

Feeling betrayed, I add, " Frostbite diagnosed Jason with an ectoplasmic regulatory disorder. Thought ya might wanna know." I watch as Dad's eyebrows go higher with each reveal.

" Dude," Jason exclaims, " You're violating HIPPA!"

" That only applies to medical professionals, dipshit, and you did it first," I argue back.

" Boys!" Dad exclaims, quieting us. " Sit down and explain." Hesitantly, we did and retold our doctor's visit. " So, to put it in human terms, Jason just needs to take this 'Ecto-skíra,' and the Pit Madness will go away?"

" It will cleanse his system of the contamination," I correct, " 'Pit Madness' isn't really an accurate term. There is more than one way to get it."

" How long does he need to take it?" Dad asks me.

" The doc. said forever," Jason replies, his face pinched. " Said I'll need it, or I'll just get infected again."

" Jason didn't have enough clean ecto when he came back, making his system weak. Think of it as a pill form of dialysis, cleaning up any ecto that enters his system," I explain.

" So you're going to be okay?" Dad asks, hope shining through his tone."

" Yeah, you're not getting rid of me anytime soon, old man," Jason says and is quickly brought into a hug.

Dad cradles Jason to his chest, kisses the top of his head, and whispers, "Thank goodness. I love you, Jaylad; I've been so worried. All of us have. To know you're going to be okay.." he trails off and releases Jason from the hug and quickly reclaims his composure and says to me, " Jason was right. Your nerve issues should be checked out on this side, too."

" Not yet; it's not safe if they see–"

" Let me worry about that," Bab says, cutting me off. " You would be in good hands with Leslie. She's the family doctor. She can at least write up a referral, and I can work on getting you to a league-approved doctor. They wouldn't tell; you'd be in good hands."

" Can I at least think this over?" I ask, knowing arguing would get me nowhere. Baba has the same look in his eye Dami gets when he wants you to do something. Resistance is futile.

" We can talk over who you'll go to after we gain your referral, but you're not getting out of going to see Leslie," he says.

" Well, that's better than I thought I'd get," I mutter and ask Bab, "Can I go to bed now?"

" Of course," Baba agrees, checking his watch, " You should go to bed too, Jay. You've had a long day. Gotham can handle a night without you."

" Okay," Jason says, sounding a little confused. " I guess I'll see you in the morning."

—-------- Jason —---------

A chill comes over the room. The same chill that's come over it every thirty minutes, ' damn you, demon baby,' I think, pretending to be asleep. Sure, I said I'd stay in tonight, but I didn't realize I would really be held to that. I tap on my phone '11:58,' Two more minutes. ' I only said I wouldn't go out tonight. I didn't say anything about tomorrow.' After all, what's the point of staying in? Being left alone with unwanted thoughts. No thanks. I wait out the remaining time, then get up.

I move silently through the halls and make my way to the cave. Once I get down there, I find it empty. Good. With nobody to bother me, I get ready in record time. I decide to forgo the helmet and just apply the mask, taking no trackers or coms. I get on my bike and hit the open road.

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