Chapter 5: Changing the Equation

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"Welcome, He Who Remains."

Victor Timely pulled his head out of the device that scanned his Temporal Aura, opening the blast doors, granting everyone access to the Loom. Loki and (Y/n) glitched, showing that they had Time-slipped back to this moment once more.

(Y/n)'s face held a look of confusion while Loki's face held a look of acceptance.

She looked at him. "What are we doing back here? I thought this couldn't work?"

Loki didn't reply. He just stared down at her with a loving look in his eyes, as he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

He then swiftly turned away from her and made his way down the stairs, heading to the area where the doors to the gangway were.

(Y/n) watched him start to descend the stairs and her eyes widened as she quickly rushed after him.

"Loki. Loki!"

Loki made it down the stairs and the door closed behind him. Sealing him down there, and sealing (Y/n) out.

She pounded on the glass of the door. "Loki! What are you doing?!"

Mobius and Sylvie came down the stairs as well and stood beside her.


"Open the door."

"Loki! Please!"

He turned around and stared at them. More specifically (Y/n). "I know what I want. I know what kind of God I need to be...for you. For all of us."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened when she realized what he was about to do. "Loki, don't you dare!"

He gave her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry. But I promised to give you the life you deserve, and that's what I'm going to do."

Tears started welling up in her eyes. "Loki...please..." she begged.

Loki's eyes grew blurry as a tear slipped down his cheek. "I love you, my darling. I always have. And I always will."

Loki turned away from her as she continued to bang on the glass, pleading for him to open the doors.

He raised his hands towards the doors that led out onto the gangway, and used his magic to pry them open. He stepped out into the temporal radiation and didn't immediately dissolve.

He stepped further out, but was hit in the side by a particularly powerful wave of radiation. The blast knocked him off balance and he started to fall off the gangway.

As he slipped off the edge and started to fall into the void below, a hand suddenly grasped his and kept him from falling.

Loki looked in front of him and saw (Y/n) grasping onto his hand tightly, a Time Door open behind her and He Who Remains' bracelet in her hand.

His eyes widened. "(Y/n)?"

The Time Door closed behind her and she then proceeded to throw the bracelet off the side of the gangway and into the void below.

Once Loki regained his balance, he stared at her incredulously. "What are you—?"


Loki yelped and pressed a hand against his stinging cheek.

"That was for thinking that you were going to leave me behind." She hissed at him.

"Why are you here?! You have to go back. You won't be able to have the life you talked about if you stay." Loki insisted.

(Y/n) chuckled. "Loki, as long as I'm with you, I will have the life I want. And I did not get pruned, arrested, beaten up, had my memory erased, and spend centuries learning about physics, engineering, and mechanics, to not get to spend the rest of my life with you." She placed a hand on his cheek. "I love you. And you don't have to be alone."

Loki smiled widely at her. He couldn't believe that the woman standing in front of him was real. She loved him. She was willing to spend eternity with him.

He grasped her hand and tightly interlocked his fingers with hers. The two stood side by side as they continued to walk down the gangway.

The radiation began to eat away at their clothes, shredding them away and changing them into new ones.

Loki was now wearing a dark green outfit with gold accents, a flowing cape and a black band around his head. From the band appeared two large horns.

(Y/n)'s Hunter uniform turned into a (f/c) outfit with a flowing cape and she too had a black band that wove around her head and had two horns extending from it.

They stepped further down the gangway, and each raised a hand toward the Loom. They concentrated and let out strangled yells as they blasted the Loom, breaking it completely.

The area grew dark, and all the branches flew out of the Loom and floated all around them. Loki reached out and grabbed a dying branch, his hands glowed green which extended to the branch, making it glow and reform itself.

When he let go, the branch started to die again.

Loki and (Y/n) shared a look and started grabbing more branches, holding them in their hands, and using magic to bring them back to life. The more branches they grabbed, the more they started twisting together, and bonding.

Loki and (Y/n) looked up to see that a rip had been made in the sky. A rip that led to the End of Time, and the Citadel that stood there.

When they made it to the end of the gangway, Loki cautiously stepped his foot out over the edge. He brought it down and hit something solid. A stair had appeared under his foot.

Loki put his other foot in front and another stair appeared. (Y/n) followed beside him as they slowly ascended the newly forming stairs, and went through the rip. All the branches were pulled in with them, and once they were all through, the rip closed itself.

B-15, Sylvie, Mobius, Timely, O.B. and Casey stared in shock at the place Loki and (Y/n) had just been before they disappeared.

Sylvie smiled. "They're giving us a chance."


At the End of Time, Loki and (Y/n) continued to pull the branches with them as they climbed up the floating rock towards the ruin of the Citadel which barely had anything left accept for part of a broken wall and a broken chair.

As they reached the top, the chair started to reform itself into a golden throne. Next to it, a second throne started to appear as well.

Loki and (Y/n) approached the thrones and slowly sank into them. They took their hand fulls of branches and started pulling them towards each other. As soon as they connected, green light burst through all of them, and the connected and twisted around into one giant spiral that took the form of a tree.

With Loki and (Y/n) at the center of it, spreading life to all the branches in the timeline and all the others that were to spread from its roots.

Together. At the End of Time.


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