Chapter 3: Ferris Wheel

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Timely's presentation concluded and the audience applauded as his machine turned off.

"We've got to bring him back to the TVA." Mobius told them.

Loki gave him a look. "Are you insane? You can't trust a Variant of He Who Remains at the TVA."

"Well, we'll deal with that later. Right now we have to focus on our main problem." (Y/n) argued.

Loki sighed. "The Loom."

"His aura can get us access to the Loom. And who knows what else he can do. Were we ever going to get Renslayer or Miss Minutes' help?" Mobius pointed out.

They turned to look back where Renslayer was standing, but saw that she was gone.

"Where is she?"

Victor Timely stepped off the stage to talk to people in the crowd when Renslayer stepped up to him.

"Mr. Timely, a moment please." She requested.

Timely look her up and down. "Of-of-of course."

"We need to talk about your future."

"Absolutely. many moments as" Timely agreed.

Before Renslayer could open her mouth, a man pushed her aside and made room for the heavy man with the thick mustache who was a Baron to approach Timely.

"That's some device you got there, Timely. But I still have some doubts." He said.

"Oh, it's s-s-still a prototype. Albeit, one that many wealthy investors are competing to acquire."

The man shook his head. "No, no. I was thinking more along the lines of a partnership." You give me the patent rights, and I'll facilitate production."

"No. I don't Excuse me. Thank you for coming." Timely denied, walking away from the stunned man.

Another man approached Timely. "I must have your Temporal Loom, sir."

Timely raised is brow. "Look, it appears my presentation has piqued much interest. Ladies and gentlemen, I will be taking all formal bids!" He announced.

"Would five hundred dollars conclude the bidding?" The man asked.

The heavier Baron stepped forward. "I'll give you six."




"Step aside hornswaggler. I was here first." The heavy Baron growled. "One-thousand dollars. That's my final offer. I suggest you take it."

Timely smiled. "I believe we have a deal."

A man handed Timely the money, which he gratefully took.

"Pleasure doing business with you." He said, before turning and heading for the exit.

Mobius, Loki, and (Y/n) rushed towards the exit as well, hoping to catch up to Timely before Renslayer did, when (Y/n) accidentally bumped into someone.

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