"You dream about Max, fuck off."

"He also wakes up from nightmares and shouts box box." Pierre teases.

"I am never telling you anything again in my entire life." Charles deadpans.

"Except for when he comes to senses and realises he has a thing for Max- don't give me that look, I've been on the podium with you both before. The little foot touches? Adorable." Francesca adds, nudging Charles in the ribs with her elbow.

"Get your bony elbows away from me, you fake French." Charles laughs.

"Alright, French boy."

"Celine don't get him started, he's not French." Pierre sighs.

"So you finally got it into your head then?" Charles asks jokingly.

"You speak French, you are French. Simple." Francesca shrugs.

"Your done, come here!"

Francesca squealed loudly, shouting at Charles in French as she took off in a run towards his apartment. Charles wasn't far behind her, laughing so hard as he shouted back to her that he was nearly tripping over his own two feet as he chased her. Pierre watched the interaction with an ounce of jealously eating away at his soul, shaking his head at the two and walking along casually behind them.

Neither Francesca nor Charles noticed the gathering of drivers outside of the latters building, too busy screaming at each other in French.

"What is happening?" Heidi asks, whispering to Lando.

"Francesca and Charles." Lando replies. "That's what's happening."

"You are one annoying son of a bitch." Francesca states.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Charles grins. "Come on then."

"Thank you, finally." Max grumbles, walking inside the open door.

"Always one for the dramatics, Maxy." Francesca laughs. "PIERRE! YOU GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY PHONE! YOU SNEAKY SON OF A BITCH- GIVE IT BACK!"

"Their still doing that?" Max questions, looking to Charles.

"Their still doing that." Charles nods his head. "Annoyingly."

"How do you deal with them exactly?"

"Get them drunk most of the time. Fran can't turn down alcohol and Pierre's just a lightweight."

"Your also a lightweight."

"Right, thank you for that."

Max grinned cheekily before walking past Charles and straight into the apartment since Pierre had used his spare key to try and seek some form of cover from Francesca who kept trying to steal her phone back from him. Charles walked inside and immediately groaned at the mess he knew would be left to deal with since Francesca wouldn't stay and Pierre was just annoying.

Oscar and Heidi had situated themselves on one of the sofas, with the blonde leaning over Oscar's shoulder as they looked at something on his phone. Pierre was still being chased by Francesca and it sounded as though someone had ended up on the floor from the thud and laughter that echoed through the apartment. Lando and Max were stood in the kitchen chatting between themselves and Daniel was sat on the other sofa looking between Charles and kitchen with a grin on his face and a wiggle of his eyebrows when Charles caught his gaze.

Francesca and Pierre eventually emerged from the guest room they had found themselves in, Francesca triumphantly holding her phone and Pierre rubbing at a red spot on his forehead.

"You two have gotta stop." Daniel chuckles, watching Pierre rub his forehead.

"She flicked me!" Pierre gasps, pointing at Francesca. "Twice!"

"I did not!" Francesca shouts. "Lies!"

"Even when your bickering you make me feel single." Max sighs. "Can we have one moment of no Franierre please."

"Then that means no Hoscar and no Lestappen." Francesca smirks.

"Hoscar?" Heidi asks, looking up from Oscar's phone.

"You know what it means." Francesca laughs. "Its all over your Instagram comments."

As Heidi rolled her eyes and turned to face Oscar when he whispered something in her ear causing her to let out a laugh, Charles found himself returning his gaze to Max.

"We said no Lestappen!" Daniel shouts. "Maxiel only!"

"No Maxiel either!" Francesca shrieks. "Please, I have to deal with it enough!"

The brunette woman smirks as she falls onto the sofa and kicks her feet up on the coffee table, she smirks at Pierre who now had nowhere to sit before gesturing to the floor. Francesca smirks as he sticks his middle finger up at her before turning her attention to her phone, thumbs swiping across the screen as she messaged back whoever was messasging her.

"Charles!" She calls out, having seen him move to the kitchen. "Can I have a beer!"

"No!" He shouts back.

"Rude bitch." She sighs.

"Catch!" He laughs.

Francesca places her phone down briefly, turning around to catch the bottle thrown at her before popping the cap off and taking a swig of the alcohol.

"I guess there's no joyride from Fran tonight then." Heidi sighs.

"I'll do it!" Lando gasps. "In my Fiat Jolly."

"I want to go in the GT3 thanks." Heidi smirks.

"I'll do that as well!"

"You will not." Francesca cuts him off, not looking up from her phone.

"No one drives the GT3 except Fran." Daniel laughs. "You should know this by now."

"Except for Lucy, her brothers and her parents you mean." Max laughs.

"Oliver isn't allowed to drive Gerald anymore."


"Yes Gerald, Max. You got a problem with that."

"You are totally the type of person to name their car."

"Talk to me once you admit your feelings."

"I could say the same about you."

Francesca sticks her middle finger up at her laughing teammate, locking her phone and swiging from the drink in her hand again.

"How did Ollie get banned from driving Gerald?" Charles laughs.

"The dickhead almost crashed him into a pissing tree." Francesca sighs. "Honestly, it explains why Dad refuses to go in a car with him."

"Well, if Richard Lewis won't go in a car with someone then the deals done." Lando sighs.

"Stop arse kissing her dad, Lando." Oscar chuckles. "Its fucking weird."

"He arse kisses everyone in my family." Francesca sighs. "Including Lucy."

"Ah yes. Lancy. The torture we all had to witness last weekend." Pierre sighs.

"I hate you all." Lando grumbles.

"You love me though." Francesca smirks.

"I love you for your car and your dad."

"Oh rude, so your using me for my family now?"

"Your did is an ex-touring car driver. Excuse me for being intrigued."

"My dad also doesn't like your Jolly."

"Be careful, Fran. You'll make him get rid of it to please your dad." Oscar smirks.


Finally got you all an update!

I was on a roll last night with writing for this book, ideas upon ideas.

And have some cute Fran and Charles moments since I like them as best friends and I think it's cute how close they are😭

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