Do You Hear What I Hear? Part II

Start from the beginning

While Sophia got busy in her room, sorting and inspecting her presents, Maddy went down for a nap. Meanwhile, us adults sat in the media room while a local Christmas parade played on the TV at a low volume. We sat around and had more coffee or champagne as we chatted about our day-to-day lives. After an hour of laughing and discussing all kinds of topics, I decided to get up and refill my glass.

Ari must have gotten up not long after me and followed me into the kitchen. I didn't initially hear her walk-in or realize she was only feet from me until I heard her say, "Can I have that bottle when you're done with it?"

I jumped in response and spilled some champagne as I was in the midst of pouring some into my glass. Ari started giggling and said, "Wow Callie, you seem to be jumpy today! Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you and thought you heard me walk in. I just came in to get some water and refill Renee's champagne glass. So, before you think anything, the drink is not for me."

I managed to quickly settle my nerves and said, "You know what Ari? I never would have thought that the drink was for you. I know better than that and I appreciate how far you've come with managing your addiction. In fact, I don't tell you this enough, but I'm incredibly proud of you and the work you've done to stay sober. I know how hard it's been on many levels, but you've come out of this a better person. I've seen the personal growth you've gone through and want you to know how happy I am to see my little sister doing so well."

"Thanks for saying that Callie, because it really is a struggle, each and every day for me to stay sober. There are so many moments that I'm tempted to drink, but restrain myself. When things don't go my way, when I'm stressed out about something or sometimes, just being around people who are drinking can trigger my feelings to get drunk. It's a never ending battle I get to fight, for the rest of my life and I always need to remind myself to take things one day at a time. It's been a year now since I consciously stopped drinking."

"I remember the car accident last December Ari, and was relieved you weren't badly injured. I'm not thrilled the accident happened, but I'm glad it made you realize the patterns you once considered routine, were really just your addiction convincing you that your behavior was "normal." I am utterly impressed with your accomplishments this year and you should be too. In fact, I don't think I've seen you this content and settled, ever. You've done well and I know that will continue going forward as you open your law practice in January."

"Thanks for saying all that Callie and I hope things go well with my law practice too. I've got some furniture coming a few days after Christmas, but everything else should be in place for when I officially open in 10 days. It's exciting and scary, all at the same time, but regardless of what happens, I'm ecstatic to take the risk. In my heart of hearts, I just want this venture to be successful,  but I'll take whatever I get and figure out how to make it work."

"Well, you have a much better attitude and approach than I would. Thankfully, Arizona is better at being grounded than I could ever hope to be and keeps me balanced. Looks like I now have you as well when I need help to keep focused and positive! You do realize we have the same family trait? We both tend to get emotional in times of duress. I think Grandma Torres was exactly the same and I think it's whom we get it from."

"Callie, I never thought of that, but you're right! She could simultaneously be a firecracker, or an emotional roller coaster when she reacted to someone or something. Huh..., guess we did get that trait from her!"

"Oh, and don't forget our Mother, Ari. Talk about a woman that flys off the handle..."

"Speaking of our parents, how are Mom and Dad doing lately, Callie? I can't believe it's getting close to two years, since Mom cut me off for leaving her practice and moving. It's even harder now that I sporadically talk to Dad. It's been a couple months since we last spoke."

The Aftermath of Callie and Arizona - Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now