Somethin' Else (Ace Merril One-Shot)

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Your Mum was throwing another dinner party for her friends at your house. You understood that it was important for her to socialise, but could not help wanting the people out of your house and be able to enjoy your privacy. You took yourself up to your room and decided to play some music to drown out the obnoxious sound of chatter and laughter.

Someone else who didn't enjoy these mothers ladies' nights was Ace Merrill. He had been dragged along to your house by his Mum who wanted to keep an eye on him and for a short while keep him out of trouble. He was certainly out of place and resented the way the women would glance at him after his mother explained that he had been 'getting himself into trouble'.

Not to mention that he was extremely bored. He excused himself in hopes of finding a way to escape or at least to lock himself in the bathroom until it was all over. He was making his way up the stairs when he heard music. Proper rock and roll, not the rubbish played at the likes of the dinner party downstairs. He followed the sound and couldn't help himself from opening the door.

You got the shock of your life when none other than Ace Merrill entered your bedroom. You impulsively turned off the music you had been listening to and said the first thing that came into your head. "You're not supposed to be here, you know that? My Mum hasn't cleaned this room and does not want to be embarrassed by it." Ace gave a laugh and you couldn't help but blush.

"You think my room would be any cleaner?"

"What brings you here anyway?" You were pretty sure that he had no clue who you were, but it was hard to live in Castle Rock without knowing the infamous Ace Merrill."My Mum brought me here to keep me out of trouble and I was just looking for the bathroom." That was a hard one to believe knowing Ace's track record.

"From what I've heard, you're a lot of trouble and if you really needed to use the bathroom, you wouldn't have spent so much time standing there talking to me." You managed to give him a smirk, trying to hide that you could feel your heart beating rapidly inside your chest. He walked further into your room, closing the door as he did.

"Maybe I was just looking for a bit of excitement." Your throat went dry but you managed to keep up with Ace and reply.

"Have you found it yet?"

Ace turned his head away from you and towards your bedroom window. Your gaze followed him as he proceeded to open it. "Wanna get out of here?" He asked, turning to face you while his legs dangled out of the window. You were a bit scared of what else could be going through Ace's mind, but you speechlessly gave a convincing nod. He jumped to the ground with ease then helped you safely down even though you were only on the second floor.

You followed Ace to where the cars were parked around your house for the night. He found one he liked the look of and began to hot wire it. You nervously looked in the direction of your house, certain that someone would catch the two of you at any minute. Once you could hear that Ace had got the car to start running, he opened the door for you to get in before slipping into the driver's seat himself. He really could be a gentleman when he wanted to be.

You had put your seatbelt on even though Ace hadn't and you were glad you did. Ace was quick to break the speed limit and enjoying it. You told him "Ace, slow down a bit, would you?" but he couldn't hear you over the noise of the car, or maybe he had just chosen to ignore you. Finally, you yelled as loud as your lungs could manage "STOP!" He listened to you this time and made a sharp break, you were surprised he didn't go through the windscreen. You could feel that your breathing had become heavy and that tears were falling rapidly down your face. "What's the matter with you! You could have got us killed!" Ace shouted at you, but you just unbuckled your seatbelt and got out of the car, standing with your back to it. Ace followed, not liking to be ignored "Hey! I was talking to you-" He noticed that you were crying and immediately softened. "I'm sorry, (Y/N), I shouldn't've raised my voice at you-"

You turned back to look at him and started to wipe your eyes. "It's alright, it wasn't your fault, it was me. Y'know, I used to go out with Denny. Lachance. I don't know how much you know about him, but-"
"He died in a car accident. Geez, (Y/N), I'm so sorry. He was a good guy." You were shocked at the words coming from the infamous gang leader. Once again, you felt your heartbeat quicken and butterflies in your stomach for the guy that everybody said was 'no good'. "Sometimes I forget how big a part in my life he was. And how much things have changed for me now that he's gone. It really feels like another lifetime now." You hadn't noticed how close Ace had become until you could feel his breath on your lips. And then his lips were on yours and the kiss was so meaningful and sincere that you decided to kiss back. Ace Merrill had gotten under your skin and taken you out of your comfort zone. He really was something else.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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