The Other Outsider (Dallas Winston One-Shot)

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Since you were a cousin of the Curtis brothers, you would often hang out with their gang of greasers. Even though they enjoyed a rumble and participated in theft, they were always perfectly nice and polite when you were around. Sometimes they ran out of clean subjects to talk about and the group would fall into awkward silences. You were actually quite frustrated that they treated you like an outsider.

You knew what they were really like though and tried to coax them into being themselves around you. "Say guys, anyone got a cigarette?" You tried to come off as friendly, but were scared you had made a fool of yourself. There were a few awkward glances around the group before they replied in unison. "Sorry, (Y/N). None right now." You shrugged your shoulders and shook your head, giving a slight bitter laugh. "Of course not." Eager to change the subject and the atmosphere, the quiet Johnny Cade made a suggestion. "How about we catch a movie?" There was resounding agreement even though Ponyboy was the only one who actually enjoyed and appreciated them. At least conversation could be avoided.

When taking your seats you decided to sit next to Dallas Winston in hopes of experiencing some excitement that day. You also happened to have quite a thing for him, but it was difficult to get close to any of your cousins' friends. He looked at you and smiled politely but didn't say anything. Throughout the film you kept glancing at Dallas, not quite believing that he had his eyes glued to the screen the whole time. He must have seen you out of the corner of his eye though as he eventually whispered to you. "You alright?" You felt so stupid in that moment and were glad that he wouldn't be able to see your blushing red face in the dark theatre. "Yeah, just a little tired." You replied, leaning your head in the direction of his shoulder, hoping to get something out of this moment. However, nothing happened and you tried to reel yourself back into your seat with some dignity.

Feeling overwhelmed with embarrassment, you immediately made a break for the door. You didn't know where you were going, but you were just glad to be outside in the fresh air and not suffering through pleasantries. But you weren't on your own for long enough. "Hey, (Y/N). What's up?" You turned to see none other than Dallas Winston following you. "Nothing. Just go back inside." You tried a smile, knowing it probably looked fake. "We were worrying about you, that's all." You couldn't help but roll your eyes. "That's the problem! All these niceties and concern and delicateness... it's not you!" Dallas furrowed his eyebrows, not fully understanding you. "Well, you know, you're a cousin." You felt your heart sink with those words, you would always be considered off-limits. "Right... a cousin and not a woman. I don't know why I waste my time with you." Dallas felt like a bit of an idiot when he realised what you were saying and saw you walking away again. "Wait, (Y/N). You wanna go out tomorrow? Just the two of us, no cousins allowed." You smiled widely, happy to finally have the Dallas Winston that everybody knew. "That's more like it. Consider it a date, Dally."

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