Helping Hand (Jamie Fraser One-Shot)

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Most days at Castle Leoch were much the same, but there was always something to keep you busy. Things were stirred up though when an English woman became a guest. Although you understood that it was a very big deal, you weren't one to exclude people. So, along with Mrs Fitz, you tried to make Claire Beauchamp feel as welcome as possible whilst putting to good use the extra pair of hands. Claire was already a far better healer than anyone else in the castle, but you were able to teach her many skills that were needed in the running of the place. In return, you assisted Claire with mixing medicines and learned something new yourself.

As friendly as you became with Claire, you were usually lacking in social skills. You got by fine with most people you encountered, but felt as though you could never make a lasting impression on people. In this sense, you envied Claire. Most of all, because she had succeeded in the field where had not made any progress, love. You admired her wedding ring and her ability to talk to men in silence. That was until she asked your help to change the dressings on the shoulder of Jamie MacTavish. He had been quite elusive, but Claire hoped that he wouldn't feel so inclined to waste the time of two people and allow her to look at the wound. You didn't have too much to do, so were just happy to observe the master at work. You tried hard not to stare at the shirtless Jamie, becoming unusually quiet, more than you had ever been around Claire and a deep hot blush fixed itself to your face. There shouldn't have been any reason for you to act in such a way, only that you were in such close proximity to the man who you felt more for than anybody else.

Claire must have noticed your change in behaviour as when you had both finished up and left the room, she asked "Well, what happened in there?" You gave a shrug, feeling embarrassed and not quite coming out of your stupor just yet. "Do you perhaps have a crush on Jamie?" She smiled widely, but you felt sick with the seriousness of the matter. Your eyes widened and you almost felt ready to cry. "It's no even as simple as tha'. I suppose I would be able tae be happy wi' anyone tha' should want me, only there hasna been anyone willing tae marry me. It's quite the concern o' my parents, an' masel'. Jamie... he's so perfect. An' he's always been so kind tae me, more'n any other man, which has made me completely smitten. But am sure he has his eye on someone else an' it is only a matter o' time 'til he is unavailable." You looked down. You couldn't believe that you had just confided such personal thoughts to Claire. Her expression softened into a look of concern. "Well, you will never know unless you go for it. I would be happy to do all I can to help you, you have done so much for me." Your brows furrowed at this.

"Ye mean a love philtre? I'm desperate, but I dinna want tae force the poor man intae it, ye ken?" Claire shook her head and placed a gentle hand on your arm. "That's not what I meant, (Y/N). Only assisting you in talking to him, arranging visits, that sort of thing." You nodded and smiled. If you could develop a relationship like the one Claire had with Jamie, that would certainly be an improvement.

Gradually, with advice from Claire, you were able to come out of your shell around Jamie and talk more freely. However, you still weren't sure if you had noticed a change in the way Jamie acted around you though. After the Mackenzie Gathering, you were given the option to accompany Claire on the journey to the various villages of the clan. Dougal was less than pleased to find this out, but Claire had insisted that she would not go without you, bearing in mind that she did not want the hard work that you had done to get closer to Jamie to stop now. You proved useful to Claire though in translating and keeping her company amongst the group dominated by men. Dougal's speeches were of no interest to you, and you didn't want to hear them, let alone have to translate them. That was until you witnessed Jamie's shirt being torn open to expose the scarred expanse of your back. Even though you had seen it before, you weren't immune to the feeling of shock, mostly on Jamie's behalf.

When the group dispersed, you collected the torn remnants of Jamie's shirt. He went to stop you, but you put up a hand yourself. "I'll mend it for ye. It's bad enough having tae go through tha' wi'out faffing about wi' needle an' thread. I'll make ye a new one soon as we get back to Leoch." Jamie gave a silent nod of appreciation. He walked you to your room before wishing you a good night. You could barely sleep that night. Eyes still open, you heard a noise coming from the outside of the door. You looked over to get confirmation from Claire, but she was sound asleep. Trying to keep your breathing steady, you opened the door to reveal Jamie laid on the floor. "Ye scared me half tae death! What are ye doing here?" You whispered harshly. "There's a small party of English dragoons stepped in to the taproom below. They're a bit gone in drink, and disporting themselves a bit reckless with two women from the town. Since there's but the two lasses, and five men, some of the soldiers seemed a bit inclined to venture upwards in search of... ah, partners. I didna think you'd care overmuch for such attentions." You nodded, folding your arms over your chest. "Thank ye. Why don't ye come in?" Jamie's face turned a picture of horrified shock. "Sleep in your room with ye? I couldna do that! Your reputation would be ruined!" You rolled your eyes, becoming frustrated all of a sudden. "Dinna fash about tha'! Naebody's interested in me at aw, or at least, they must think some awful things about me already to avoid me so." Jamie gave a small frown, resting a hand on your shoulder. "I ken how ye feel. I've no got much in the way of prospects an' I'm a wanted man. Not tae mention the state of ma back." You shook your head, dismissing his so called flaws. "Actually, when I first saw your scars, I was pleased. Selfishly I thought that maybe you were no as perfect and unattainable as ye had seemed afore. But then I realised that they didna take anythin' away from ye, that they were a part of ye and perfect just the same as the rest of ye." Jamie opened his mouth to speak before closing it without a word. Instead, he cupped your face with one of his large hands and kissed you. Before you had a chance to fully register what was happening, you heard a male voice from the corridor. "I was wonderin' what the commotion was about. What are you two up to?" Murtagh spoke in a stern tone. Jamie was about to try and explain when a grin worked it's way onto Murtagh's face. "Only jokin' wi' ye. I'm happy for ye, lad. You look after him, (Y/N)." You gave a nod, watching Murtagh disappear. Jamie then joined you in your room, no longer feeling inappropriate to sleep so close to you.

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