Dry walls and wet leaves

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We were back at the hotel room. I was sitting in the couch while carrying Zion as he was coloring in his color book.

"That looks good Zi" I complimented, "thank you mummy" he said smiling. I kissed his forehead and sighed and closed my eyes, I wish it can stay like this forever, just you and me my love.

There was a knock on the door. I had put Zions toothbrush in a zipper. I went to the bathroom and took it then went to the door, "hi" he said, I handed the zipper to him,

"It's his toothbrush, I have his hair in cornrows so I can't provide a strand of his hair, this should do" I said and he nodded,

"Thank you very much" he said nodding, I couldn't keep it to myself, I had to ask,

"Is what Tina said true? You can't have kids?" I asked curiously,

"It's a long story, I'll explain once the results are out, can I say hi to him?" He said and asked,

"He's asleep, he's tired" I lied, he couldn't see into the room from the door because there was another blockage before walking into the room,

"Okay, I contacted my personal doctor and the results will be out in three days, so after the wedding and probably before you guys leave" he explained,

"I don't care Charlie, you are the one who wants validation, do your thing, just don't try anything stupid, good night" I said seriously  and he nodded and before he could say good night I closed the door and sighed,

"Who was that mum?" Zion asked, "room service" I lied and he nodded.

It was finally the wedding. The bride looks so beautiful.

We all prepared and went to the church waiting for the ceremony to proceed.

Even tho Charlie and Tina broke up they still had to walk together because of Isabella and Donald off course.

I got to see Zion so happy marching down holding the rings, he didn't trip this time, I was having a proud mum moment. He turned and looked at me and I smiled so wide blowing him a kiss, my Zion.

After the church we took pictures and went to the hotel to change for the reception meanwhile I had to do a check with the dances.

The newly weds made their entrance, gave a thank you speech, cut their cake, had their first dance, they look so happy.

Later it was time for the dance and I was excited to see my work exhibited. I sat at one of the VIP tables so I had a good view of the scene.

They started and everyone cheered. Later it was the last song and Isabella ran and pulled Rose and I to the dance floor, "thank you so much" she said hugging us then resumed position.

I looked at Rose and we both smiled before joining in the slide then later a lot of people joined.

It then changed to a slow song, I hate slow songs. I was walking out of the crowd when I had my hand held.

I turned and looked, "may I?" Charlie asked, I was about to push his hand away, "I have something to tell you, I got the results back" he said, he trapped me, I felt weak and dizzy.

I gave in, once more my stupid self betrayed me and I gave in. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him.

I had my arms wrapped around his shoulders, "thank you, for making me a dad, so he is mine, I knew his features looked a lot like me, even Donald pointed that out" he said smiling, why can't I be happy with him? I wanna try to understand him so bad but I can't.

"You happy now? You got what you wanted?" I asked dryly, "I haven't gotten what I wanted" he said and I raised my brows, "what do you want?" I asked,

"My son....and....you" he said, "you not serious" I said dryly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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