"Go Away. Let me sleep"

I heard him taking a deep breath.

Suddenly he picks me up in his arm after removing my blanket.

"Yash what are you?"

He sit on the Sofa and make me sit on his lap.

"Leave me Yash" I try to get out of his grip

"No ! First listen"

"No I don't want to just let me go"

"You are so stubborn my dear" He holds my hand and I get it got of his grip

I glare at him "I am not your dear, leave me"

"Kripa Listen first"

"No! no ! no!"

I was struggling when he held my face and pressed his lips on mine.

He started to suck my lips and I didn't kiss him back but tried to push him but he sucked my lips harder. He holds my hand and lead it to his hair and nape.

I also started getting lost in the kiss. 

I also started kissing him back and caress his hair when after a few minutes we moved back.

Tears fall from my eyes and he wipe them.

We are panting quickly and he whispered "I am sorry Kripa, I am so sorry. I got in an important meeting"


"Shh Listen first"

I nod

"I got up with a meeting and I remember I was texting you that I won't be able to pick you up so please call Dad or book a cab after sending location to Dad or anyone in the house but maybe...I think the message didn't reach you because I think I kept my phone's internet was not on and calling you back then....I picked up someone else's phone as they were all placed in the corner in a hurry to be home. To be with you" He spoke and I listened sniffing.

He gave me the phone he brought and a couples photo is there "He is my junior and his girlfriend!"

And then someone began to call on it.

Yash pick it up and I look at him.

"Hello, Ravi...Yes your phone is with me and mine is with you"


"43 missed calls !" He raise his brows at me and I looked away.


"Okay, Bye"

He cuts the call and hold me tightly in his arms "I am sorry. You getting angry was worth it"

I don't say anything.

"And About Tavish also, He might be good but I am worried for you Kripa, I over reacted"

"He is a nice man. He dropped me but also Coach. You don't have to worry about him and I know how to protect myself"

I am still not looking at him while saying this.

"I know but I am little too much protective about my girls. He is new as a friend so it's important to be cautious, I am not stopping you from anything"

I nod and gaze at him "I am not sorry for Shouting but...I am sorry for shouting without listening to you"

He chuckles and I feel butterflies.

"You were looking hot and dangerous as well while angry"

I stare at him blankly.

"Now you are looking Cute. Aww My baby"

I scrunch my nose "I am not a baby"

"You are my Baby"

"Stop Yash, Call me Kripa"

"Baby, Baby, Baby"



Before he could say I place my lips on his and start kissing him. I feel his smile over the kiss and he kiss me back.

I open my mouth and let him take my lips between his and we kiss slowly.

I tilt my face and kiss him properly.

"mmm" I moan when he suck a little harder on my lips.

His hand move on my back and I caress his hair.

We move back after the kiss and he sucks his own lips "Delicious indeed"

I lick my lips as well "Sweet Indeed"

I place my forehead on his "Dinner?"


I blush "Go and eat something"

"No, now I will sleep with you"

"Yash please. You were hungry and I am sorry for shouting about food"

"Shhh, It's okay..." He rubs my cheek and I nod

I make him have dinner and then we both cuddle each other while sleeping.

"This is our first fight na?" He asked


"Will there be more?"

"No, I don't want to fight with you"

"But if they will end up like this then maybe Yes !"

"Yash leave me"

I try to move back.

He starts laughing "Joking, Just Joking. Even I don't want to fight" He kiss my forehead "God You became hot in anger"

"Stop teasing me, I want to sleep"

He hugs me tightly "Sleep and dream about me"

I sigh. Nothing can be done with him. I smile in the end.


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