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"A rose that is thrown?"

Rossabelle stopped abruptly, closing her book. She looked up.

"Why'd you close it?"

"Uhm.. it's not that good. I am not supposed to continue it anyway"

"Why? It looks interesting. I like the first line. -Who could see a silhouette of a dead- , it must've had a deep meaning, right?", he looked deeply into her eyes. She averted away, clearing her throat.

"Uhm.. don't you suppose to be with the princess? I believe you're her guard?", she sincerely asked.

"Well, she's having fun inside. Probably don't need a low profile person like me".

Rossabelle nodded. Amused by the answer. "Well then, I'm heading inside, too. Can't let this fun night slips", she bobbed a curtsy before leaving the balcony.

"Rossa! Where were you? The dance just finish a while ago"

Rossabelle raised her brow, "So?"


-"Huh?", the lights started to brighten again.

"I can't believe you just miss the most legendary moment, what a shame", Naomi said leaving the other wondering.

"What is it about, Lily?"

Lily chuckled, "It's about your angel."

Rossabelle confused. "Your angel just turned down the princess  just now.", she added before turning away to the direction of some other scholars.

"Naomi, I don't know anyone here. I can't just go and ask for a dance. That's why I left", she makes a disgusted face. Naomi sighed. "Come on, let's socialise with others since you don't dance, okay?"

"What if I don't like the person"

"Whatever, you-"

"Excuse me, ladies. Mind a drink with me and my brother?" , Berden's brothers approaced them.

Naomi's eyes lighted up. Berden's brothers were so dreamy. "Sure"

"How about you, my lady?", Naomi nudged her arm. "Err.. I'm afraid that I'm not feeling well."

One of them looked taken aback. "It's fine then. Hope you'll feel much better".

_____________Ceremony ends____________

"Sir, please consider the invitation. The princess will be very disappointed if you reject her this time".

He sighed. "I can't tonight. Too tired", he rubbed his nape. "Bye! Tell the princess, I'm the wrong person", he walked away without looking back.

"Huh, it's so peaceful here", Irldzen put his books and settled down on the window.

🎶🎻🎶💫🎻 violin playing🎶💫🎶💫🎶

Rossabelle played her violin along the beautiful night.

*Princess Palace

Martin took out his fluid and played it together with the violin that provided a truly beautiful melody to the night of castle.

"Who plays the fluid?", Rossabelle wondered but still playing the violin.

"Oh god, such a pleasent to my ears", Princess Adera said.

"Forgive me, Your Highness", Martin said.

"No, continue it. I feel so happy tonight", the princess said with a contagious laugh.

"Excuse me, Your Highness". "Come in". "He refuses again"

"WHAT?!", she stood up and slapped her attendant. She then took a bunch of money and threw them to the useless attendant. "Make him mine", the attendant nodded eagerly and collected them all.


Irldzen looked out of the window and searched around for the one who played the beautiful melody. "There you are."

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