twenty six.

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emma's palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, there's vomit on her sweater already, mom's spaghetti. (a/n: i had to i'm sorry there isn't actually vomit on her sweater)

today she would face her grandma and cousin in court. even though she was nervous, she knew this was the right thing to do. jype had hired amazing lawyers anyway, that money really came to good use.

seungmin saw she was distressed a little, so he rubbed her back. that calmed her down a little.

"it's not the time to get a room!" minho joked as we waited to be called in.

"i will kill you after this is done." seungmin threatened.

"then we'll just end up back here!" jisung wailed. seungmin rolled his eyes, and minho chuckled.

the security guard opened the door and the group of twelve went inside. they all sat behind the plaintiffs table, because they are all witnesses/victims. there was a lot of them, they looked like school kids that were about to learn about something.

emma gave a big glare to her grandmother, who didn't look remorseful. haneul looked cold. emma was disgusted that her grandma didn't look more sad, they were caught after all and their business was busted.

the session started and the court clerk began reading the charges against dalrae, including kidnapping and blackmail. haneul was charged with misdemeanours and stalking because she's the mafia's stalker.

"how do you plea?"

"not guilty." dalrae said.

"not guilty." haneul stated.

emma rolled her eyes. "fuck." she thought.

"the court session will proceed." the court clerk confirmed.

the prosecutor began presenting evidence that they had gathered. they pulled up cctv footage of the group getting kidnapped by the men, then security camera footage from the mafia's base. they also showed a 7/11's cctv camera footage of the black van with the same license plate passing by.

the prosecutor then showed transcripts of the deals the mafia had had, even some from decades prior. the audience gasped in shock. they even tried assassinating korea's defence minister, but ultimately failed after one of the men got tackled by the minister's bodyguard.

it was now time for the witness stand. chan went up to speak for stray kids as a whole.

"what happened before you got smuggled into the van?" the prosecutor asked.

"my roommates and i were just chilling. i was just done with making cheeseburgers, hyunjin had made a caesar salad. then we heard the mafia guys down at minho, felix, seungmin, and jeongin's room, and after we heard all that ruckus not even ten seconds later they came down and broke our door. then they took us to the black van outside and drove off." chan recalled that horrific night.

"what was the car ride like?" the prosecutor budged in.

"dead silent. we had tried to speak a couple of times but we'd get punched in the shoulder if we tried." chan looked furious. he looked like he could kill any moment. angry chan was not to be messed with.

"while we were in the basement, they tied us up to chairs but let us out a few hours later. they withheld food and water, only giving us one tiny meal a day. and when changbin tried asking if we could try and take a shower, we were splashed with cold water by a guy." he continued telling the prosecutor.

the prosecutor looked at his list of questions, "what were the conditions of the cell like?"

"horrible. it smelt terrible, there were weeds and moss growing, there were only four windows for sunlight, and the whole cell was maybe 12x7 feet. the whole basement was concrete, if you tripped on your head you would've died in an instant." chan answered.

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