☼ FIVE ☼

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You and Sukuna have a stare down. It was as though the two of you were fighting for authority. You knew Sukuna's full capability was put to a limit, but that doesn't mean he's entirely helpless. He can most definitely defeat you even with his powers sealed, however it does make it easier to manage him during his stay.

His eyes were pointing daggers into yours, hunger for death was strong in the air, but it wasn't directed to you. Sukuna had a strong hatred toward Sei, whether it was because she was somewhat stronger than him, or that she so easily sealed his powers.

However even with the stench of bloodthirsty, you weren't afraid. Like I said, it was nearly impossible.

"Tell me, mortal," He slowly stands to his feet, towering over you, "Why don't you fear me?"

"You simply don't scare me," You glare up at him, quirking your brow as though he were an idiot asking an idiotic question.

This irks something in him and he trembles in a fit of rage, "I'll make you fear me, one way or another."

You smirk arrogantly, seeing now how the tables have turned, "I'd like to see you try."

That was the last straw for Sukuna. He cried out in rage and swung his arm swiftly in nowhere particular. But in mere seconds, the trees and pushes around him were cut in half, falling to the ground. You stand there stunned as the blades swiftly circled around you, creating an illuminating barrier. You didn't make them move, they acted on their own, which isn't the first time this has happened.

It wasn't until Sukuna looked up at you in alarm, seeing that you weren't cut in half like the trees behind him, that you noticed he had cut your long dark locks of hair to shoulder length. Your dark hairs fell to your feet.

Did those blades form a barrier around her moments before impact? Sukuna thought, wide-eyed. Impossible! What kind of cursed tools are those? She didn't even see it coming, does it have a mind of its own?

A surge of fear strikes through Sukuna, and his mind raced with probabilities. If you really wanted to kill him there was a possibility that you'd succeed. With those extraordinary blades of yours, it was no doubt you'd be trouble for him. He had to flee.

With no second thought, Sukuna dashes away into the forest, trying to make it to the border as quick as he can. You scowl and align your blades to crouch on them, flying through the trees to keep up with him.

His speed was nothing short of impressive, but thankfully you were able to keep him in sight. Sukuna finally arrives to the border where vines and sticks of thorns created a large wall. However, they didn't open for him like Sukuna had expected them to.

He flies face first into the thorny wall and promptly falls into his back. You hop off your blades and inspect the border in confusion. It didn't open for him?

Sukuna growls and jumps back up to his feet, fuming at the large wall, "Oh, but you so gladly welcomed me in with no trouble, and yet you won't even let me back out?!"

You couldn't help but let out a small laugh, causing the large man to snap toward you, red-faced of anger.

"Talking to a wall, are you?" You mock.

Sukuna doesn't waste his time arguing with you and instead lunges at the wall, trying to dig through it. He breaks the branches and thorns despite the cuts on his flesh.

The land only reinforces itself with more branches and vines, even going to the extent of puffing a flower in Sukuna's face.

"This is really pissing me off." Sukuna deadpanned with the pink flower still in his face.

You shake your head with a small smile, "I suppose She wants to keep you here for the time being. This just answered all my questions."

Sukuna tenses with a tick mark forming on his temple, reluctantly facing you, "If I could kill you I would."

He was too weak to form a domain expansion. Nearly all his abilities were sealed thanks to that ugly white haired lady.

"Oh, please-" You fold your arms, but Sukuna suddenly jumps hundreds of feet in the air.

From below, you could hear the echo of his maniacal laugh, "HAHA! The wall isn't too high for me!-"

You see a thick vine shoot out after him and grab a hold of his ankle, thrusting him back down to your feet. You cough and swat at the lifted dirt in the air, and when it finally clears you stifle a laugh at the sight of him.

His face was planted in the dirt with his butt in the air. The vine slowly unwraps itself from around his ankle but Sukuna remains unmoving and defeated.

He fumed in anger and you can hear the muffled curses escaping his mouth in the ground. Some of the profanity you were able to make out impressed you.

"There's no use, give up," You chuckle. "Come with me, I'll take you to your stay for the time being."

He goes back to being quiet and you look over your shoulder, still walking, "Unless you want to be in the same spot for another night."

He doesn't budge.

"There's a sauna where you can wash up and eat as much as you'd like."

He doesn't budge.

"There are plenty of maidens for you to enjoy," You say with sarcastic enthusiasm, rolling your eyes.

He perks up at this and finally stands to follow you, not forgetting to kick a rock at the wall and spit on it of course. You scowl at his disrespect.


Sukuna ignores you and stretches his four arms, "Depending on the quality of these maidens, I'll think about staying for a while."

You roll your eyes once more, "I doubt you'll be able to leave any time soon."

He crosses a pair of his arms, peering down at you from behind, "What if what had happened back there was all for show?"

You huff in amusement, "Then I'll give it to you, you're an excellent actor. You were very convincing of being incapable."

"I'm a very good actor. I'm good at everything. I'm a King."

"You're a child."

"I'll kill you."

- - - -

Sorry for the short chapter y'all >_<

Next chapter will be more interesting dwdw, that's when the butterflies appear and you and Sukuna get closer~ oouu~ ;3

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