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Hello writers and viewers.

I am making an update to let you know when hopefully the next chapter will be out.

So, there is probably gonna be a two month time period between chapters as it makes things easier for me and I don't have a lot of time being a junior in high school and having a part time job

Now some of the comments I got were concerning some errors that were made and confusion.

I'm here to clear it up.

So first the confusion with narcissa.

Here's my answer

So my plan for narcissa and her being dead, I won't be told Fully but at the same time I will be putting in some hints.

I apologize for the confusion in the last chapter. I am working on fixing it now!

Now for the error I made with where Elizabeth was staying.

At first yes she was gonna stay at the potter manor, but I decided to switch it to the black manor, and I merely forgot to go change it in the actual story not just my rough draft!

I apologize for this inconvenience and mistake on my part!

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