Chapter two

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Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, the proud owners of number four privet drive, had always been proud to say that they were perfectly normal. Out of everyone, they were the last people you'd expect to be involved with anything strange or mysterious. That Nonsense just did not hold with the Dursley family. Vernon Dursley, was the director of a firm called "Grunnings" which of course made drills. The male hardly had a neck and was big and beefy. But he did have a very big mustache. Petunia Dursley however, was thin and had brown hair. But unlike her husband, she had twice the usual amount of neck. This is very useful to her when she has spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on her neighbors.

The Dursley family was completed finally with a little son. A little boy named Dudley Dursley. In the eyes of the parents, the boy could do nothing wrong and they believed that there was no finer boy than their dudley. But while the dursley family looked perfect, they had their own big secret that had also become their greatest fear should it ever get out. Petunia had a sister. Mrs.Potter was her sister, but the two had not met for several years. Petunia even went as far as to pretend that she didn't have a sister. This was because her sister and her Good-for-nothing husband were so undursleyish that they had broken the limit.

The dursleys were very aware of the little girl the potters had just had as well. Of course they had never met the child, and they enjoyed it that way. They did not want their precious Dudley to be mingling with that sort. The Tuesday that the family had awoken on, was gray and dull. But you see, this is where our story starts. Nothing about this Tuesday would have suggested that anything abnormal was about to happen to the family of Number four. Vernon Dursley hummed while getting ready for another day of work and Petunia Dursley was gossipping away happily all while wrestling a screaming dudley into his high chair.

Of course it went unnoticed as a big tawny owl had flown past the window. But of course, like any other day, Vernon kissed his son's head and picked up his briefcase, and gave his wife a kiss before he was out the door. He walked outside and got into his car and pulled out of his driveway, intending to go to work. That's when he noticed something odd. In the corner of the street, he saw a cat reading a map. For a moment, Vernon didn't realize what he had seen...but when he looked back, the cat was there, but not the map.

Vernon truly believed that it was a trick of the light. As he looked back at the cat, said the cat simply stared back. But as he drove past the cat, he shook his head and checked his rearview mirror and noticed that the cat was staring at the private drive signs, refusing to believe that the cat was reading the sign. Cats don't read. It was as simple as that. As he got to the edge of town, he noticed something different and strange.

There were people walking around in cloaks? Was this some new fashion that the youngsters were wearing nowadays? He rolled his eyes as traffic moved and he continued his journey to work. He walked up to the building and stepped inside. He went up to the ninth floor, where his normal office was. He smiled as he sat down. His chair was always situated so he had his back to the window. But upon doing this today, he missed the owls swooping past within broad daylight

The people down below were watching the owls with awe as normally owls didn't appear that day. Vernon's day went as it normally did. He made some important phone calls and yelled at about five people before shouting a bit more. His mood was good until lunchtime hit. As he was getting a bun from the bakery for lunch, those people in cloaks were whispering about something. While waiting for his bun, Vernon heard what they were whispering about.

" The Potters, that's right, that's what i heard—"

"---Yes, their daughter Elizabeth—"

Vernon paused with dread and fear. He got his gun and rushed back to his office, intending to call his wife and tell him what he heard. But before he could finish dialing their home number he stopped himself and thinked for a moment. He was being stupid. Potter was not that unusual of a name, surely there were a lot of people named Potter with a daughter named Elizabeth. He was not even sure his niece was named Elizabeth.

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