Kayla take a long stride to her apartment. Each step she take her heart beat rapidly.
Kayla never wish to see Aneel. She feel like she betrayed him.
She twist the doorknob and walk in.
Kayla swallowed the acrid gob behind her throat and greeted them.
They all chores our Amarya simultaneously.

Kayla chuckle.
Fawzan walked to her took her hand and walked her to the couch.
Kayla sit beside Fawzan.
Kayla's eyes lock with Aneel's. Wave of guilt flushed over her face.
Kayla lowered her gaze.
Namir and Rahim keep teasing Kayla.
Aneel only smile.

Maybe he is still hurt. Why won't he? You break his heart and Marry his brother. Her subconscious mind muttered.
Kayla scowl.
Are you alright? Fawzan whispered in her ear.
Yes. Kayla muttered with a smile.
Maira and Mahira walk in with refreshments.
They drop them on the centre table.
Thank you. Kayla muttered.
They smile at her and Saunter out of the living room.

Hun, Your sisters are beautiful. They are identical twins. Kayla whisper in Fawzan's ear.
They are nice to be with. You will like them. They like you. Fawzan muttered.
Kayla shook her head.
I pray they should. Kayla prayed silently.

Fauziya finish making her call she turn around to walk inside when she bump into someone.
Her phone fall from her hand.
The screen of the phone break immediately after it hit the ground.
What! Fauziya Yelled.
Subahanallah! I'm sorry. Rahim muttered and quickly bent down and pick the phone.

You've ruined my phone. Fauziya facepalm.
I'm sorry. Rahim muttered.
Will Your sorry mend what is already broken? Will it get my phone back?
Don't you see that the phone is completely damaged? Fauziya spat.
I will buy you another one. Rahim muttered.

No. Thank you. I will see if I can manage it. Fauziya mumble.
I'm so sorry. Rahim muttered again.
It's okay. Fauziya muttered.
Please can I have your phone number? Rahim muttered.
You ruined my phone and you want to have my phone number. What is wrong with you? Fauziya spat.
Do I look like a random girl who you will flirt with? Please leave. Fauziya muttered exasperatedly.

Okay, can I know your name? Rahim muttered.
Fauziya. Fauziya muttered and stormed out of the place muttering incoherent word.
Rahim shook his head.
He return to the living room and join his friends.

We will take our leave.
Bye Amarya. Namir muttered.
Thank you for the visit. Kayla muttered.
Fawzan, take care of Your wife. You easily get angry. Aneel muttered.
Kayla Humm silently.
Fawzan chuckled and muttered okay.
Kayla follow them out.
She return to the living room.

Maira and Mahira walk in.
Welcome to our home. Maira and Mahira muttered.
Kayla smile at them and muttered thank you.
You are beautiful. Maira and Mahira muttered.
Thank you. You two are beautiful too. Kayla muttered.

How old are you girls? Kayla ask them.
We are 16 year old. Maira and Mahira muttered.
Kayla muttered Masha Allah.
They look bigger than their age. Kayla muttered inwardly.
I have two little sisters. Fauziya and Malika. Kayla muttered.
Wow, they have beautiful names but yours is more beautiful.
We like your name. Maira and Mahira muttered.
Thank you. Sister in law. Kayla muttered.
They chuckle.

Fawzan did you know Fauziya? She came with Your wife. Rahim asked.
Yes, she is Kayla's step-sister. What happened? Do you like her? Fawzan asked.
Fawzan I'm still mourning Kulthum's death. Rahim muttered.
Rahim, it's been six years since Kulthum died don't you think it's time you move on? Fawzan muttered.
Rahim Humm.

Fauziya bumped into me her phone fell and shattered.
She seems pissed off and I want to buy her another phone. Rahim muttered.
Okay, Fawzan muttered.
Do you have her phone number? Rahim asked.
Yes. Fawzan muttered and gave Rahim Fauziya's phone number.
Rahim thanked him.
See you later. Rahim muttered and entered his car.

Fawzan shook his head and walked inside.
He enter his living room.
Maira, Mahira I hope you two ain't troubling my wife. Fawzan muttered.
No, they are not. I love their company. Your sisters are nice. Kayla muttered with a smile.
I told you they are nice. You will love them. Fawzan muttered.

Bye zawjatul Akhi. Maira and Mahira muttered.
Bye. Kayla muttered.
They march to the porch twist the doorknob and saunter out of the living room.
Hun, I'm tired. Kayla muttered with a yawn.
Fawzan smile and pick Kayla up.
What! Drop me down. I'm not your mate. Kayla muttered with a smirk.

I don't care. I am your husband so I am older than you now. Fawzan muttered with a smirk.
Kayla burst into a fit of laughter immediately Fawzan dropped her on the bed.
Why are you laughing? Is it funny? Fawzan muttered feigning to be angry.
Yes, it is but anyway, I don't mind either.
I wouldn't use that against you.
You are my husband and I will respect you.
You are right. You are now my elder brother.
Ya Fawzan. Kayla teased.

Fawzan tickled her.
Their laughter echoes in the bedroom.
Hun stop. Kayla plead amidst laughter.
Fawzan stop tickling her. His eyes fall on her lip.
It was so tempting Fawzan swallowed the acrid gob behind his throat as he watched Kayla's lip move in a sync way as she spoke.

He hesitantly smashes his lip on hers.
Kayla staggered due to the unexpected reflex action.
She watches Fawzan devour her lip hungrily.
Kayla swallowed the lump behind her throat and kissed him back.
She holds his neck for support.

Fauziya's small phone started ringing.
She glances at it.
Who is this person calling me? Fauziya muttered exasperatedly.
She picks up the call.
Who are you? Fauziya muttered.
I am Rahim please come outside I want to see you. Rahim muttered.
Fauziya rolled her eyes and hung up.
She hiss takes her veil and Saunter out of the guest room.

Fauziya takes a long stride to the gate.
Hi, Rahim muttered with a smile.
Hey. Fauziya mumble.
Are you still upset with me? Rahim asked.
No. Fauziya muttered.
Where did you get my phone number? Fauziya questioned.
I got it from your sister's husband since you refused to give me. Rahim muttered.

Rahim opened his car and took out a black nylon.
I replaced your phone with a New one. Please don't reject it. Rahim muttered.
Fauziya wanted to say No.
She shook her head and collected the nylon from Rahim.
Thank you. Fauziya muttered.
You are welcome. Rahim muttered.
Please what is your name? Fauziya asked.
My name is Rahim. Rahim muttered.
Fauziya muttered okay.

Will you save my number? Rahim asked Fauziya.
Sure I will. Thanks for the gift. Fauziya muttered.
Thank you. I would love it if we become friends. Rahim muttered.
Okay, No problem. Nice to meet you. Fauziya muttered with a smile.
It's my pleasure to meet you too. Rahim muttered.
They talk for a while before Fauziya bid him and enter inside.
She takes out the phone from the nylon.

Her face broke into a smile.
He bought her iPhone 13 Pro. Yes. Fauziya muttered excitedly.
She hid the phone in her bag and entered the guest room.

She Changed Him ✓Where stories live. Discover now