All the best Payu...😅

En başından başla

Rain : So you're leaving me alone for a complete day...???

Payu : Baby understand me na...
You know your hubby is the CEO of the company and have so many responsibilities
I cannot just sit here and say that I will be not coming to office for whole year just like that

Rain : Okay fine go who is stopping you...

Payu : Baby your making a angry face

Rain : No I am not...

Payu : Sweety...
I have told maids to prepare everything you want and I have also told them not to leave until I come back

Please na cutie if it was some other time then I would have told you to go out with your friends but now my baby is pregnant and I cannot take any risk

Rain : Okay fine...
Come soon I will be waiting and call me in middle

Payu : Sure my cutie pie...

Payu pecks on Rains lips and somehow convinces him and leaves to office

Rain goes and has his breakfast then watched TV for sometime and then plays in mobile for sometime

It was noon and now Rain starts missing his hubby...

He texts him

Soon as Payu receives the text he calls Rain

Payu : My cutie pie...
What are you doing...???

Rain : When are you coming back home...???

Payu : I am still stuck with some works baby..
I will finish it as soon as possible

Rain : Okay I will wait...

Rain tries to spend some more time then he takes a nap
Plays video games
Watches their marriage videos and photos

Now it was evening 5pm still Payu had not come home

Rain gets pissed and calls Payu

Rain : Where are you...???

Payu : Baby I am almost done
Please give me some time I will be there

Rain was so pissed but still sits and waits for his hubby

But for his bad luck Payu comes home by 7:30pm

Soon as he comes home he asks maids that where was Rain...

Maid : Khun Rain is in bedroom..

Payu happily goes to bedroom and opens the door

Rain was sitting on the bed..

Soon as he saw Payu...

Rain : Stop right there...!!!

He gets up and goes near Payu but he starts to smell some other Alpha's and Omega's smell on him

Soon Rain closes his nose

Rain : What the fucking hell is this smell...???
Why does other alpha and omega smell is coming on you...???

Payu : Baby when I announced that I will be working from home some staffs gave me a formal hug...

Rain : What...???
You fucking ass hole
Keeping a pregnant omega at home you went and hugged all other bitches out there

Payu : Omg...!!!
Baby it's just a formal hug..

Rain : Don't stand in front of me...
Just get lost...

Payu : Baby please listen to me...

Rain : Get lost you ass hole...
You stink !!!

Payu : Okay...
Let me go take bath...

You open my heart Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin