First cute fight...!!!

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After sleeping for sometime Rain wakes up and it was already lunch time

Payu : My cutie pie you woke up...???

Rain : Yes my hubby...

Payu : Do you feel okay now...???

Rain : Yes completely okay and also ready for another round

Payu : My cute naughty pie...
Get up let's go have lunch

Both Payu and Rain goes to cafeteria

Payu was feeding Rain
And Rain was so happy...

That's when Rain spots Rose passing by...

Rain : Oh miss Rose...
Your alone come sit with us na...

Payu was surprised why Rain was inviting Rose to join them for lunch

Rose gives a happy smile looking at Payu and sits in front of them

Rain was in a good mood to tease Rose now

He slowly gets up from his chair and sits on Payu's lap

Payu was surprised yet he keeps quite because he knows his wife was upto something

Rose was getting so jealous and pissed looking at Rain sitting on Payu's lap...

Rain pulls Payu's shirt a little

Rain : Oh daddy did I bite you so hard...
The hickey is so dark here

Payu just smiles and keeps his mouth shut because he knows what ever he speaks now will become a problem

Rose gets so pissed...

She gets up from the chair...

Rose : Will you please excuse me...

Rain : Why Rose...???
What happened...???
You always wanted to join us for lunch na...???

Rose : Actually I remembered some urgent work...
You both carry on...

Saying this she gets up and leaves the place

Rain : Ha ha ha look na Payu...
It was so fun looking her face so pissed like that

Payu : Baby why you do like this...???
You will never stop teasing her ah..???

Rain : It's fun to tease her...

Payu : Baby but now she is not even coming in between us...
Then why to simply pull her legs

Rain : So you're supporting her...???

Payu : I am not supporting but just saying

Rain : What you're saying...???
You're supporting her now...

Payu : Oh my goddddd....!!!!
When did I support...???

Rain : You did....

Payu : Baby I just told that it's not good to tease her without any reason

Rain : So now you're taking her side...

Rain starts crying...😭😭😭

Payu : Baby no I did not take her side...

Rain : You did...😭😭😭

Payu : Please stop crying baby...

Rain : Don't talk to me...😭😭😭

Payu really gets pissed that Rain was not ready to understand what he was trying to say

Payu : Rain...
Listen to me first

You open my heart Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum