"I don't believe you."

"Let me prove it to you. Please."

"Your tears are not doing anything but making you look like a fool."

"Spoken just like your father." His body grew cold.

" Do not ever compare me to that son of a bitch."

"Hiroto," She looked up at him, tears falling down her face.

"My baby... my son... what have we done to you?" His jaw tightened.

"You've made me this way. Now you must live with it." He turned and walked up to his room.


Did he scare her? If she were being honest, he had only... only mirrored what she felt on the inside. But what if that was all he wanted from her? Somewhere in the back of her mind, she had that nag that he was like the rest of the boyfriends and relationships she had been in. She had had to fight to keep her virginity. 

All around her existed the intoxicating addictive temporary bliss. Temporary. No. She didn't want that shit. If she ever in her life laid down with someone that wasn't gon be her husband... she'd never forgive herself. Right now, she enjoyed Hiroto. His presence. His laughter. His maleness. His very essence. His personality. She loved the way his fingers carefully stroked her back when he held her. He was a natural hugger. She wanted to get lost in him.

Temptation. She hadn't came face to face with it in so long. Until she set eyes on him. It had hit her like a bullet train. And ever since, she was breathless around him, mesmerized. His very breath made her dizzy. Was it possible to want someone so much? It had to be lust. That was the end of it. And she had to fight once again. She had to push through. No matter how much she wanted to get tangled up in him and let him bring her... what was it he said?

 High. Though he was drunk, it was... it sounded so right. That scared her. The words came so blunt and honest. Honesty. Something Jack was good for. And more. If her momma knew she thought like this, she would have lost it. She laid her head back on the pillow. She didn't even sleep in here but it still smelled like him. Sighing, she closed her eyes. Her momma had managed to get her in the church through all that went down. She had instilled those values within her and for that she was grateful. It kept her straight.

After what happened with Hiroto, it woke her up. One slip and he could fall through her fingers. He was growing to be... someone she really appreciated. It sounded really stupid that considering that it had been... so short of a time but she was drawn to him. He needed her. And likewise, she needed him. She was determined not to let any feelings she had get in the way of their friendship. Yeah she wanted him. But what if they ended up ruining what was already so fragile? She didn't come here to be reckless or be rash. Her family wouldn't even like him. They held this prejudice against all other folk that wasn't black. It didn't matter. They couldn't do nothing from all the way over there. She was gonna have him as a friend.

The thoughts of her family hit her in the chest. The pain of not being able to talk to them grew stronger every day. She'd have to ask Minako to call them soon. Sighing, she stepped in the shower. She had summer school today and wanted to get there early. Quickly washing her hair, she got out of the shower and got dressed in a cute little dress. She was happy because they didn't require her to wear her uniform during the summer. Finally she could showcase her infamous style... toned down a bit being that it was Japan.

"Rae-chan! Your phone is ringing!" She smiled, thinking back to a couple days ago when Minako had surprised her with the sakura pink phone. It was so cute she never went anywhere without it since. She watched Hiroto's name flash across the screen in Hiragana. She was proud of herself. She was starting to practice more and she found she actually loved the language. It was cool.

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