Lily: *Grabs it* This. It looks like a bent tube with straps and a hand.

Michael: *Notices a VHS tape labeled* "GrabPack"? *Grabs it* Hm. *Inserts it into a nearby TV*

*The TV displays an instructional video*

Michael: That's odd. The video showed two hands. This thing only has one.

Lily: Maybe, we'll find something related to the GrabPack along the way?

Michael: Maybe.

Lily: ... *Puts it on*

Ellie: Why are you putting it on?

Lily: It might be useful.

Ellie: I know that, but why do you want to use it?

Lily: ... Uh...

Michael: Don't bother answering that. The rest of us would suck at using that... thing anyway.

Lily: *Opens a nearby door* ... *Looks around* Hello?


Andrew: There's no one here, Lily.

Lily: Doesn't Huggy cou- *Spots something* *!* Ooh.

Right in the middle of the room, there stood a giant statue of Huggy Wuggy.

Ellie: Whoa.

Michael: It's a Huggy Wuggy... but not the one we're looking for.

Lily: *Spots an open door* Maybe, he's in here? *She and the others enter and look around*

Andrew: Nope. No sign of him. Just another monitor and another tape.

Ellie: *Grabs the tape* "Security feed"? *Inserts it into a nearby TV* Of what?

*The TV shows security footage of an unknown room*

Michael: ... I think it's actually "abideable".

Andrew: I don't think he was using it right.

Ellie: ... *Turns back to the door* *?!* Uh...

*The others turn to her*

Ellie: ... Where's the statue?

*They all look outside to see...*

Michael: Okay. That's weird.

Andrew: It's creepy. There's no way a statue can just... disappear like that. Not to mention, we didn't hear anything.

Lily: *Spots another door* That door wasn't open earlier. Maybe, it went that way.

*They head to the door and enter*

Ellie: What's this room?

Michael: *Notices a conveyor belt and door at the end* I guess this is where the toys come out.

Andrew: *Spots something pinned under the door* What's this thing? *Approaches it and tries to pull it out*

Lily: *Notices a lever* Does this turn the belt on? *Pulls it*

*The conveyor belt eerily moves and the door creaks open*

Ellie: There's your answer.

*The item rides along the belt, before revealing itself in front of the team*

Poppy Playtime GH EditionWhere stories live. Discover now