And then he kissed me.

The two of us pressed up against each other, lips meeting just as I had always dreamed of.

His kiss was better than anything I had ever tasted, better than anything I had ever imagined.

He was something of dreams.

Something that was too good to be true.

But he was real.

So, so real.

We pulled apart after a moment to stare at each other.

I laughed a little, feeling slightly giddy.

He grinned back at me.

"Still nervous?"

I twisted a strand of his long hair around my finger.

"Hell yeah,"

And so, we kissed again, fireworks setting off someplace inside of me.

I found myself lost in him, love swarming me like a hazy, sudden fever.

He was everything.

My everything.

"Th-thank you," I whispered, once there was no breath left in my body I was able to spare for us.

Jim laughed a little, smiling at me- a beacon of ecstasy in the disappearing darkness.

"I really like you Summer. I always have," he spoke quietly and I smiled wider than I ever had.

" won't work out, will it? I'm the Slayer and...and I'm probably not even going to make to eighteen-"

"It doesn't matter. I loved you then, I love you now and I'll love you in a thousand years,"

I felt a single tear fall down my cheek and I laughed it away, pulling him into a hug.

He hugged back, the two of us lost in each other's embrace.

I loved him.

And I guess, by some miracle, he loved me too.

My whole life fate had been an enemy.

It had taken my mom from me and thrown me into an unwanted future with prophecies written at the moment of my birth.

But maybe now I could see the other side of fate.

The other side of destiny.

And maybe it wasn't the enemy after all.

Maybe it was the hero.

The saviour.

"We should get back to the tai chi," I murmured, only half joking and he groaned, sitting up from where the bottom of the hill we had collapsed onto.

"Charles will want details," he said and I giggled.

"What'll we tell him?"

"Everything if he's mad we're late," he replied and I grinned.

"Okay. You just have to breathe. You have to find the eye of the storm, the centre of the battle and focus on it. Find where it all begins. That'll help you to know where to attack and will make sure you don't act upon emotion,"

I frowned a little at his words.

"Isn't emotion good?"

"Sometimes. But not when it blocks your intention. Sometimes when somebody you love is in danger you lash out without thinking. You have to ground yourself,"

"But what if I can't? What if there's not enough time?" I asked.

"You have to find the time. The space, the gap in the fight that you can do this. Sometimes you have to wait,"


He smiled a little, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Now breathe. Find the moment. Find the strength. Find yourself,"

I lifted my arms to the sky, Jim's hands gripping mine so that I wouldn't lose grip of the energy that was flowing through me.

"What if I lose control?"

"Fight it,"

"What if I cant hold it?"

"Keep looking,"

"What if I don't know how to-"

A burst of energy flew from my hands, knocking over the water bottle Jim had set up for me to practice on.


He grinned.

"You found it. That's the centre. The centre of the battle, but also of yourself,"

"Its hard," I muttered, falling into his chest.

"Yeah. But you did it," he said with a grin.

"Imagine that,"

The two of us laughed, looking longingly into each other's eyes, as if something mystical would give us the answers to every question we held.

Who knew?

My world seemed full of unexpected events- some wanted and some not.

But maybe there's light after darkness after all.

Maybe Jim was my light.

(A/N: AASHSJSKSLSLSKSJDSJSKOEUDJ- ISTG LACKSON MIGHT ACTUALLY BE MY NEW OTP OML. AND THATS CONTENDING AGAINST FRIKKIN TWILLOW, BANGEL AND JOPPER- Hope you guys like this as much as I do :3 Stay safe and totally tubular and I'll see you in the next one xx)

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