He started washing his face.

"Do you not use a headband thing?"

"No, because then I couldn't do this." He shook his head and got water on me before drying his face off.

I couldn't help but laugh at him.

15 minutes later, we'd changed into some clean comfortable clothes since we were gonna have to change anyways, and we're headed out the door.

"Oh my glasses." I put them on and stuffed my contact lense case into my bag.

"Why are you bringing contacts and your glasses?"

"Because in the morning I like to wear my glasses but for filming I have to use contacts."

He nodded and pushed the button for the elevator.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course." I smiled.

He paused for a minute. "Walker?"

"Would you-"


We stepped out of the elevator.

"What were you gonna say?" I asked as we walked to the car.

"Oh never mind, I'll ask you later."

I nodded my head and we went about our day and now it was lunch time.

We were sitting around in the break room, chatting, doing homework, and practicing lines.

"How could you do that?" I asked in character.

"Listen, Carmen, it's not what you think." Walker responded.

"I trusted you Dean, I-I lov-"

"I did this for us! For all of us, they-we-have- shit sorry, that's a big word at the end." Walker broke character.

I giggled - not in a weird 'tehetehe' kinda of way but in a not a loud laugh kinda way - and put my script up. "I'm tired of reading..."

Sunny laughed as I laid my head back on her "I'm tired of biology. I wanna take a nap, you should take one with me."

"No thanks, I slept really well last night." I smiled upside down at her.

I glanced over at Walker as I said that and he had a very subtle smirk plastered on his face.

"But there's a crick in my neck, feels like something bony was poking it." I shifted my eyes at him pointedly.

He smirk fell. "Yeah, my chest feels weird, like something really heavy was laying on it."

The others started other conversations as me and Walker had our own with our eyes.

"Why are you pink?" Mason smacked the back of my head lightly.

"I'm not pink." I stared warningly into his soul.

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