Chapter 5: Battle on the Wall

Start from the beginning

"Well, we're dealing with Charcharadontodauras." I told them. They nodded.

"The Alpha Gang is here too." Zoe said as she used her glasses to zoom in on the unfortunate trio. Currently the charchar was trying to eat them.

"Come here." He snarled as he snapped at them.

"We can get to him faster if we go down the stairs." Max said and ran down.

"We can take this shortcut going this way, come on Zoe." Rex said as each of them tried to leave Zoe.

"Wait you guys." Zoe called out. I held her back.

"Stay here. The charchar will definitely have a devastating attack and we don't need to provoke him." I told her.

"Alright." Zoe said and hung back.

"You wanna fight then, come on!" I heard Terry's voice ring out. He dropped down from the sky tram and roared out.

The charchar laughed and roared. "Come on, weakling." He taunted.

"They call me a king for a reason." Terry snarled and snapped at him.

The charchar growled and snapped back. Each dodged the snaps and tail swings. "Terry, neck crusher." Ursula called out as Terry then bit into the charchar's neck and slammed his fellow fire elemental into the ground.

"You take orders from humans, pitiful." Char said and blasted a ball of fire at Terry who tanked the hit. He growled.

"You'll pay for that." Terry then bit down onto Char's neck and pushed him back.

Char kicked Terry off and was getting ready to use another fire attack. Terry knocked him back and the ball of fire went straight towards me and Zoe.

"Hold on, Alpha, go!" I summoned Alpha who jumped down into the fight as I grabbed Zoe and jumped off with the part of the wall I was on became damaged.

Max and Rex were slightly affected too. We fell onto the ground but as we landed by legs seared with pain and the bruises worsened and more were caused. To make matters worse, rocks tumbled down and even clamped over my leg.

"Drako?" Zoe asked concerned.

"I'll be fine, are you okay?" I breathed out in a ragged and rushed breath. She nodded and her Dino Holder went off with Max and Rex's voices.

"Zoe, are you okay?" Max asked.

"Zoe, answer if you can hear me." Rex demanded.

"Chomp come on out." Max then said as Chomp grew to his adult form and stabbed his horns in. More rocks tumbled.

"Chomp, wait." I said to him, he did so.

"Max, move back, you're causing problems." Rex told him.

"Quiet, both of you. I'm tired of you two always fighting, even just to rescue me and Drako." Zoe told the two which snapped them out of it.

"Rex, send Ace to help Alpha against Terry and the charchar." I told him.

"Alright." He said and I could hear Ace roar out announcing that he was back in full size.

"Max, just stay there." I then said.

"Got it." He said.

A few rocks were still falling onto me and I was still covering Zoe and getting tired at the same time. My leg was stuck so I couldn't even move away with her, the rock was too heavy for me anyways.

"Drako, can you bring out the saltasaurus?" Zoe asked.

"No, he'd collapse the rocks around us." I answered.

The battle raged on outside. "Ace, use Cyclone." Rex called out.

"Alpha, help Ace with Howling Blizzard." I told him. They used their attacks and even Char helped out and Terry was overwhelmed and turned back into a card.

Char then turned back to the other two. "Well, now that he's gone. You're next." Char snarled.

"We just helped you." Ace snarled.

"Yes, that was a huge mistake of yours." Char laughed and pushed past Ace and Alpha.

"Hold on Chomp, Rex keep him away." Max told Rex.

"I'm trying. Come on Ace." Rex said and used Cyclone again.

"Ahh, I can't take it. Salta, take down Char." I said and flung the card out through the rocks and made some water from my water bottle hit it just in time for it to activate.

"I'm back. You're not so bad, human, I'll help, don't get used to this though." Salta told me.

"Yeah, yeah, just take him out." I told him through gritted teeth.

"A new challenger. You'll be no different than the others." Char roared and bit down onto Salta's scutes which only hurt Char's teeth.

"Hmph." Salta snorted and slapped Char down with his tail and then stomped on him. Ace then finished him off with a head slam. Char turned into a card and with that we were dug out and my leg was freed by Paris.

"Nice job guys." I said as I relaxed.

"Take my hand." Both Max and Rex said, reaching their hands out to Zoe. I rolled my eyes.

"Really guys?" Zoe asked.

"Take our hands." Max and Rex revised their statement. Zoe was pulled up while Alpha picked me up with his teeth and pulled me out.

"I suppose you want a rest?" Alpha asked.

I nodded. Rex was given Char for Ace's victory and I called Salta back into a card. We teleported back. "So, you guys gonna work together now?" I asked Rex and Max.

"Definitely." They said and we went home and on the way it was getting dark.

"Let's eat." I said and we did, a good meal together with the whole family and our Dino friends.

Char POV

From the moment I hatched I was a dangerous beast that was not to be reckoned with. I was specialized on land unlike my competitor.

As I chased my prey, an Ouranosaruas, away from his herd he came to a river. With no other choice but to go across he jumped in and began to swim away.

"No, get back here!" I growled. I tried to snap at him but before I could kill him, Spiny got him from the river side.

"That's my kill." I snarled.

"Was your kill, it's mine now." Spiny hissed back. I growled and bit at his tail. Spiny turned back and slashed at my face.

Blood dripped down and I roared out in annoyance. I bit down onto his long forearm. I then pulled as my serrated teeth sliced into his hand.

"Get off!" Spiny roared and pushed me off some which drew blood from him. Spiny's jaws then clamped over my snout which made me move back.

We were both on land now and I lunged for Spiny's spine but he saw this and slapped me with his tail. I pushed him back and bit into his side.

He growled and kicked me back before he sliced my thigh. He fell down and we both kept staring at one another until a glow became evident.

We both growled at it and it slammed into the planet and something bad was happening. Suddenly two bipedal humans came down and turned us into cards and took us away. 

(Hope you all liked this one and thanks for how many views I'm getting on this story. Remember that you can suggest a dinosaur you want to see the gang find and what dinosaurs you'd want to see alongside Alpha as one of Drako's dinosaur friends. I'll see you guys in the next one!)

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