Chapter 3: Trembling

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A couple days had gone by and Max, Rex, and Zoe had to go to school but since I didn't have to go I helped around the house and when the three came back I'd help them with homework.

It was Saturday now so that meant no work at all which meant TV. I sat relaxed on the couch with all the dinosaurs and Alpha. Each trying to play with the other.

Eventually Max and Rex came and took Chomp and Ace outside to play while Zoe sat down and watched the show with me.

Paris and Alpha played about before they each made some singing. Paris did her crest noise and Alpha howled.

It was pretty nice to not have to worry about everything. I then felt a new dinosaur close by. Well I guess good things have to come to an end. We got the message from our Dino holders.

I made sure to grab supplies from my room. They were a lighter for fire dinosaurs, some dirt for Earth, a water bottle for water, a flower for plant/grass, my stone for snow, a small taser for lighting, and a mini fan for air. I was all set and prepared.

We walked into the D-Lab and went up to Reece. "Where's the dinosaur?" Max asked.

"In the museum, the place is being investigated. You should hurry." Reece said.

"That's where my dads shopping is." Max said and bolted toward the teleported. We joined him and teleported into the mall which was completely dark.

"We should split up, we can cover more ground that way." Rex said and immediately left with Ace.

"Good idea." Max said and left with Chomp in another direction.

Now it was just me and Zoe. "Wanna work together?" I asked.

"Sure, better than trying to deal with those two." Zoe sighed.

We walked down the hallway with Alpha and Paris looking up ahead. "Wonder why the power is off?" I wondered aloud.

"Could be because of the dinosaur or maybe it's just off hours." Zoe shrugged.

"Maybe so, let's not run into that other group again." I said, referring to Ursula and her companions.

"Yeah, I don't feel like dealing with that old lady." Zoe said. We walked past some plants which Paris tried nibbling on. "Paris, that's not something you can eat." Zoe scolded and slightly raised her voice at her.

Paris cowered behind the pot. "Try and be more gentle when asking or telling them things, they get frightened by loud noises." I told her and demonstrated it.

"Come on out, Paris. Zoe didn't mean to scare you." I said and Paris came out.

"I'm sorry, Paris. I just don't want you to mess up anything and then you get hurt." Zoe said and patted the duck billed dinosaur on her head.

Paris gave Zoe a slight roar that showed she was relaxed. "I'm sorry, it's just that I've been so hungry." Paris said in her little voice which of course Zoe could not hear.

"We should definitely feed her when we get back." I noted.

"Sure thing, how come you know all this?" Zoe asked.

I blushed in embarrassment and also gained some stress, I needed a way to hide my true nature. They would think I'm crazy and such. "Guess I'm just really good with animals." I told her.

"Okay then. Have you ever seen TV before? Your eyes are always glued to the screen like you're seeing it for the first time." Zoe mentioned.

"I don't have TV back home, if my home is still there." I told her.

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