Chapter 1: The Mission Begins

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Millions of years ago.

A silver ship was moving through time and space, all the way back to Prehistoric times. On the ship was a unique source of power. It was rare and was a one of a kind thing.

There were many stones. All arranged in a circle. Two silhouettes were in front of a screen that detailed multiple prehistoric species.

As they discussed this, an alarm went off that said for the two people to return to their cryo sleep. They did so and that came out of their long travel and in front of a younger Earth.

Immediately the ship hovered over the planet which was during the Cretaceous period. Many dinosaurs were viewed in plain biomes or deserts. Creatures like Velociraptor, T.rex, Spinosaurus, and Parasaurolophus out of many dinosaurs.

As they went down by some Edmontosaruas some laughter from a baby was heard. In one of the cryo pods was a small baby who had short black hair and bright orange eyes. His skin was a healthy white.

While there were others on the ship, these people were a family who specialized in using the stones' power to turn the dinosaurs and other animals into Dino cards.

The creatures would be inhibited with elemental powers that were beyond other humans' wildest dreams.

They would spend many years going through time periods and saving the creatures as immortal beasts in cards. As the baby grew into an young teen he fell in love with the dinosaurs but always wondered how they felt being kept alive for their whole lives without being able to die.

The boy was feeding some grass to some gallimimus. His parents approached him with a box. He turned to them as did the feathered dinosaur.

"Hey mom, hey dad." The boy said to them.

"Hi, son." His mom said to him,

"Hey kiddo, how's your birthday going?" His dad asked.

"Great." He answered.

"Nice, we got you something." His dad told him and handed him a present, the box.

"Open it up." His mom told him eagerly.

He did and he pulled out a necklace with an extra stone.

"Wow, thanks." The boy said and hugged his mom and dad.

"This was newly made, just for you." His mom told him.

"Put it on." His dad told him.

The boy put the necklace on and immediately he heard an extra voice. "So we will be migrating soon right?" The voice asked.

"Yes, as soon as the mammal stops giving us food and returns to his den." Another voice said.

"What are they saying?" His dad asked.

The boy smiled and turned to see the gallimimus turning toward him. "I can hear them talking about migration." The boy said.

"The mammal can hear us?" One of them squawked in surprise.

The boy smiled and nodded. "Happy birthday son." Both his parents said.

The boy was hugged by his parents and soon they left to head into the ship. The gallimimus migrated like they planned on.

The boy looked down below through the window and held his necklace. They were about to make a jump through time again so they were all going into cryo sleep again.

They began to leave when two figures woke up and tried to snatch the other baby and send the second parents aboard off into space.

The boy was still awake and pushed the door open and charged at the two of them. He was too late as the parents were sent through.

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