he might have a boner

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18. it might go away if you ignore it, jessa

Wrapped in Mikey's duvet, and wearing sweats, I'm practically boiling. I glance through my lashes, seeing Michael's body slouching at the end of his bed. He must have carried me down here; I don't remember anything after falling asleep on the roof.

The brightness of the phone in his hand lights up the otherwise dark room. Calum's bed is made very neatly. Does he know I'm here? I don't want to cause any problems.

Michael's eyes are on me the moment he hears me stirring. There are dark circles under his eyes. Has he gotten any sleep at all? I feel bad for taking up his bed. He probably needs the rest more than I do.

"Your phone rang while you were asleep. It was your dad."

"You answered it?" I hear myself croak out, cringing at the sound of my morning voice.

"I thought it was mine at first." He scratches his neck before putting on the snapback he's been twirling around his other hand. "Then I realised my dad wouldn't call me."

"Was he angry?"

"Worried, mainly. He asked if I was your boyfriend."

"Oh," I say as I let it sink in. My heart beats faster. "What did you say?"

"I told him I'm not?" He crunches his eyebrows together, his voice flat. As if that's the obvious and only answer to the question. "Made up some story about a photo project. I think he bought it."

"Oh, okay," I say, nodding slowly. "What time is it?"

"Half two. I tried waking you up but you're a really heavy sleeper."

"Oh." I untangle myself from the duvet burrito I've been all wrapped up in, and  move to sit up against the headboard.

"Alright, time to get you home, bedhead," he says, laughing softly. "I need to pick up the guys so we can get everything set up for tonight."

He stands up, then pulls me up as well, my hands locking with his.

I pull my hair out of the ponytail from last night, running my fingers through the tangles. "What happens tonight?"

"We're playing Ruby Lounge," Michael smiles widely. It's a fairly small venue, but to them it must be huge. "Do you want to go? I could probably get you in."

"Really? You can do that? I mean, I'd love to go!" I say, and I don't think I've ever smiled that big before. I know I should probably try to stay calm and at least try not to fangirl in front of him, but I can't.

He just laughs, "Alright, giggles. I'll go make some calls."

It all comes bubbling up. He's actually doing that for me.

Michael picks me up after soundcheck. His face is a bit flushed, and hair ruffled; he looks alive, and it's the best thing ever.

I've tried to dress a bit older, but I'm not sure if I've succeeded. I don't want to look out of place. The black crop top looked okay to me in the mirror, but I'm starting to doubt it. His green eyes are locked on me for a little while, before he finally turns the key. I feel anxious under his stare.

"Why is it so hot in your car?" I ask, shrugging out of the jacket I'm wearing.

"Because it's an old shitty car." He quickly tears his eyes away from the road, "Keep your clothes on. Can you please not expose yourself?"

"Can you please not be such a creep." I roll my eyes. "Just go away."

"I'm going all the away," Michael chuckles, referring to the vest top he's wearing.

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