2-The Meeting ...

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After speaking with his faithful guard Yang went to his bedroom and how every night he lay down in his bed and began to think about many things...

He wondered why he didn't have a normal life like the others, Since he was born he has not been able to sleep well because of that sacred orb that he has had to take care of for as long as he can remember...

It is as if a voice came out within the sacred orb and shouted for him to break the sacred seal to come to the surface...

He has tried many times to get rid of it but it always finds a way to come back...

It's like the orb is part of him and he can't keep it away from him. He never understood why he had to become the guardian of that ancient artifact with truly overwhelming energy...

Yang only knew that inside that orb was a very powerful energy and that he was the only one who could keep it locked in that sacred artifact...

After thinking and asking himself the questions that he normally asked himself almost every night, he prepared to sleep, But suddenly in his dreams that dark shadow that called him again and again appeared again...

The next morning Yang was preparing everything to receive the young woman who helped him exterminate that evil creature in his castle...

Everything was almost ready, all that was needed was for the young woman to arrive at the castle, Yang was really preparing a big feast to welcome her...

The Young Girl, the trusted guard, and Yang's warriors were arriving at the castle gates. Suddenly the young woman was very surprised to see that at the door there were some gigantic statues in the shape of beasts...

"Wow but such majestic statues", The young woman said with great amazement and curiosity...

The king trusted guard looked at her and said: I see that you have smiled with the king personal guardians,miss...

The young woman: ¿The King personal guardians have said?

The guard: Yes, that's right Miss,Those gigantic statues in the shape of beasts were ordered to be made by King Yang father...

There is such a legend that one night King Yang's father dreamed of some gigantic beasts that spoke to him and told him that he had to build two monuments in honor of them to protect King Yang, One in the shape of a white lion and another in the shape of a black wolf...

And that's how they were built and placed at the gate of the castle and since then they have protected King Yang from all danger...

The Young Woman was very amazed by what she was hearing, She was told that King Yang was not a King like any other king, It made him more curious to meet him...

Before entering the castle, the guard told the young woman that the king did not usually show his face so he would talk to him without being able to see him...

The young woman understood and told him that there was no problem, that by exchanging a few words with him it would be a great honor for her...

The guard smiled and opened the castle door for them to enter with the king, The young woman took a deep breath and entered the castle with a little nervousness...

The young woman was very amazed when she saw the interior of that castle, everything was so bright and she could breathe the pure air...

Everyone in the castle welcomed the young woman and the warriors were gladly just waiting for the king to come out to give his speech and begin the great party...

Yang is in her bedroom finishing getting ready. When suddenly his trusted guard knocked on his door and told him that the young woman and the warriors were already waiting for him in front of his throne...

Yang happily ordered him to tell them that he would go out to meet them in a few minutes, The guard turned around and went to carry out his order...

Yang took her dragon mask and put it on, took a deep breath and left her bedroom to head to the throne floor...

The young woman and the others were still waiting when suddenly the guard announced to the king and everyone bowed to receive him. The girl was very nervous, it was the first time she would be face to face with the King, I never imagine exchanging words with him so I take a deep breath again...

Yang stood in front of her throne and everyone gave her the corresponding salute, Yang told them that they could get up now and asked the young woman to take a step in front, the young woman, still nervous, took the step and bowed in front of Yang and said, "It is a great honor to meet you your majesty, "Thank you for this invitation to your castle" ...

Yang asked him to please get up and said the following words: The honor is all mine brave young man,If it had not been for your valuable help, my warriors would not have been able to exterminate that evil centipede woman and all of her tribe...

I am very grateful to you, that is why I have prepared a great feast as a token of my gratitude. I hope you enjoy it very much...

The young woman: Thank you very much, Your Majesty, I am not worthy of such great detail from you...

Yang moved closer to her and said:¿Would you like to be part of my warriors, it would be a pleasure to have someone as brave as you with us, what do you say?...

The young woman looked at him and couldn't believe what she was hearing, being part of the castle's warriors was one of her dreams and without asking for it it was coming true...

He took a deep breath and very calmly looked at Yang and said: Of course yes, your majesty, it will be an honor to be part of warriors...

Yang was very happy and with great joy told them:That's great news, thank you for accepting brave young man,So let no more be said, we have one more reason to celebrate today...

With great happiness he approached his throne and looking at everyone he told them to start the party until dawn, May everyone enjoy the great feast, which was a day of great happiness for the entire Kingdom...

Everyone settled into their places and began to enjoy the great banquet that the king had prepared...

The meeting with that young woman will change Yang's life forever...

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