"Tell me."

It wasn't a request, nor a plea. It was a demand. As if he was entitled to her thoughts, her heart. Her very soul. Well, damn him. Damn him for playing her for a fool. And damn herself for ever loving him. "You are an extraordinarily talented writer, Mr. Bridgerton. So good in fact that I woulld never have guessed your true thoughts if I didn't hear you utter them myself."

"That's not fair. It was one night, Pen! One night! When I was drunk out of my mind and said something foolish. Are you really willing to give up on me after years of friendship because of something so small?"

"Yes." Her response was quick and resolute, surprising even herself.

Stunned, Colin stared back at her. "Yes?" The tremor in his voice was unmistakable. "You don't mean that."

"Don't I?"

The change in him was sudden and abrupt, taking her by surprise when he moved swiftly to block her path.

The blues of his eyes were so dark they bordered on brown, a storm brewing in them. Staring back at her was a man she didn't recognize, different from the boy she grew up with,and the man who humiliated her without a thought. This was a stranger in front of her, anger etched on his face, jaw clenched with tension.

"You would hate me for not wanting to court you. You would be that selfish?"

"Of course you would think that."

"What else is this if not punishment?"

She didn't think he could hurt her more, but he managed to do it nonetheless. "I never expected you to court me, Colin. You don't love me. I'm quite aware of that. But you could have told them there was nothing between us. You could've even said I meant nothing to you. Instead you mocked me, derided me so you could look good in front of your peers, and that makes you someone I never want to associate with."

"I made a mistake, Pen."

"Miss Featherington," she bit out through gritted teeth. "That is who I am to you from now on. Nothing more."

"So that's it? I make a mistake and you erase me from your life just like that?" He snapped his finger angrily. "Are you so fucking perfect that you've never wronged anyone?

They'd been standing still for far too long, their conversation growing more potent every second. All of a sudden she was acutely aware of glances in her direction, people's eyes sliding over her and Colin, and she realized how dangerous this was. Risking her carefully crafted plans for a few heated moments with him was idiotic. "People are staring at us, Colin."

"I don't care."

"Obviously." She offered a small smile at the couple who walked past her, trying to appear amiable. "You may not be concerned about my reputation but I am. And I would appreciate it if you stayed out of my way."

"I'm not willing to give up on our friendship like you."

His snarky words drew her gaze back to him. "Walk away, Mr. Bridgerton. Let me be."

"And if I don't?"

The hint of menace sent an unexpected shiver down her spine. "You would not be the gentleman you claim to be."

"Perhaps I'm not. Perhaps everything you've accused me of is true." He took a step closer, eyes shining brightly. "Maybe I am cunning and cruel. What then?"

Her heart pounded in her chest. "What is it that you want from me?"


"Fine. You're forgiven."

"You're lying."

"And you're being rude."

Eyes locked, they regarded each other intently. She didn't understand what he was doing, why he was behaving this way. Why his stare seemed to be all consuming, studying her, trailing down to her mouth when she licked her bottom lip before drifting back up again. He'd never acted like this before. A complete stranger in every way. "If you ever valued me as a friend, you would do as I ask."

"I could say the same. If you valued me, you wouldn't cast me aside."

"You can not force me to continue this."

"Would that be such a hardship? To move past one mistake and leave it behind us?" Desperation brimmed from him, he swallowed audibly. "I may not wish to court you but you are important to me. You're my dearest friend. I can not envision a life without you."

She exhaled a long, drawn-out breath. "You must."

His lips twisted into a cruel plea. "Why?"

"Because I am to be married, Colin!" Instantly she regretted her words, hating herself for letting him provoke her. Yes, it was the truth, a plan that had taken months to carefully develop and plot – and now she'd ruined it by announcing it too early, and to him of all people!

"What?" He faltered back, stunned by her words. "You're engaged? To whom? Why-"

"All you need to know is that my future husband and I have already discussed the matter and he wishes for me to have nothing to do with you. So goodbye, Mr. Bridgerton, because this the last time you and I will speak alone." She stormed away, before he could stop her.

A/N - Thoughts? Feedback is always appreciated :)

I'm kinda fascinated at the idea of a menacing Colin and Penelope going head to head with each other.

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