Ch 3. Louis Weasley's Wedding

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Louis Weasley and Amanda

Ch 3. Louis Weasley's Wedding

Shortly after they were engaged, Louis received a ten thousand US dollar check in the mail from PWFFO, the Potter and Weasley Family Foundation Office, with a note from his father, "A little capital so you do not have to worry about money. We will meet with you and Amanda to work out a budget for you for the next year.

"For your information, we have a pair of Elves who really want to work for you once you have a family. As I have told you, we really could use you at Dursley, Potter and Weasley LTD and the Potter and Weasley offices as soon as you graduate.


Signing the letter Bill instead of Dad was a change. Louis was being treated as a grown up, which was nice.


June first, twenty-twenty-seven, Louis and Amanda had dinner together, and then Louis turned on the BBC News Channel, thinking he might catch up on what was happening in the Muggle world. GPS systems around the world were not working quite as well as they should, something that seemed to be happening with not only the American and Chinese systems but several other systems as well.

Louis went to the Wizards World Wide Web news channel on his computer. It sounded like the big battle between Albus, Cleo and the community of Magi with the Lord of the Dementors was going on or had just happened. The news coming in did indicate that it looked like Albus and Cleo may have won, but with numerous casualties.

Louis looked at his world watch. It was too late to try and call anyone. He would have to try tomorrow morning.

"Amanda," Louis told his fiancé, "The big battle that Uncle Harry has been worried about seems to have happened. It is too late to call now, but first thing tomorrow I am going to call my father and try and see what has happened.


Since becoming engaged Louis and Amanda almost always ate together, at Louis's apartment, and they met at seven-thirty to eat. Right at eight Louis called his father.

"Hello, Louis," a tired and weary sounding Bill Weasley answered.

"What do you know about the battle?" Louis wondered.

"Albus and Cleo defeated the Lord of the Dementors, but at a horrific cost," Bill answered.

"Are you all right?" Louis gasped.

"I guess," Bill sighed, "But your mother has a nasty gash on her face that blinded one eye."

"Oh, no!" Louis muttered. "Anyone else?"

"Way too many," Bill admitted. "Grandfather Weasley, Uncle Ron, Frank Longbottom, Mrs. Tonks, all dead. I'm sure the magical papers will have a full report. It is pretty rough over here right now.

"I'm at St. Mungo's with your mother. They are trying to do something about the scarring on her face, but there is nothing they can do to save the eye."

"Do we need to be there for funerals?" Louis wondered.

"It wouldn't hurt," Bill responded. "I'm too tired and strung out to think about it right now."

Louis told Amanda, and they looked at their schedule. It would be hard to describe what was going on to their No-Maj professors and classmates, but Louis did think that it would be good to show up for the upcoming funerals.


"Thank you for showing up for the funerals," Harry Potter told Louis as they were going over security for the upcoming wedding of Louis and Amanda. "Amanda's guest list is reasonably small. There are a lot of Weasley and Potter's, but I see you are only inviting family. The friends and others will meet at the New Burrow later."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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