💕Highschool love💕 /

381 4 19

this includes swears

It's first day of highschool and it fucking sucks, I want school to end even if I haven't stepped foot in it yet.

I look at the tall building filled with students, and of course a bully. The popular kid, Heather.

I ignore everyone and rush to my classroom, I see my best friend, Trenton cooper.

We've been friends since middle school and I want to keep it that way.

He leans in to kiss my cheek, platonic or not I dodged it and I saw the sad look on his face which made me feel a little bad.

The teacher introduced a new student and it's a preppy bitch, guessing by her appearance she'll fit in with Heather's group.

That same preppy bitch sat next to me and I just ignored her, she tries to attempt to talk to me but I ignore her.

Throughout the whole lesson she wanted to start small talk and I ignored her, I felt kind of bad for no reason.

The bell rings and finally, I get to switch classes, hopefully I'm not with that bitch again.

Oh my luck, she's in the same class as me again, I try to hide the empty seat beside me and of course that woman did not take no for an answer.

Maybe I'll try small talk and ignore her. "Hey, Gwen right? Why are you ignoring me?" She said with a sad expression.

I felt kind of guilty so I tried to answer in a cold tone. "None of your business." I rolled my eyes.

It's sad my friend isn't here to cool me down before I get into a fight with this bitch.

She looks at me with a frown, "Come on! Cheer up, not every time you have to be sad." I smiled slightly at that response.

I tried to hide my face but she caught me before I could even hide it.

"Gotcha!" She said with a warm smile, and damn this girl is cute and hot at the same time.

Maybe I enjoyed this girls company.

"The name is Courtney, and you didn't answer my question by the way, is it Gwen though?" She said with a smile planted on her face.

Did this girl tape a permanent smile on her face? "Yeah, it's Gwen. Sorry bout' ignoring you."

I said nervously, why nervously? I'm never nervous.. Whatever, the teacher shushed us all and was talking about boring stuff.

Be for real, no one wants to know how to solve a triangle, and yes this is math.

Courtney saw the bored expression on my face and passed me a note.

This girl is really talkative as fuck.

I read the note, "r u bored?" She said with print handwriting. My literal hand writing looks like grade three.

I wrote on the note, "so what?" and pushed it to her desk.

She started to write and I wanted to ask how is her hand writing perfect as fuck.

She passed me the note, "uh nothing, you just look really unamused." I read.

"fuck u." I wrote, my handwriting slanted, probably because of my mood.

She read the note and looked at me then frowned. She finally minded her own business.

The lesson was boring like what does shapes have to fucking do with numbers?

The bell finally rang indicating it was lunch time, gladly.

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