5: Expendable

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Leanne had spent more time in Malinowska's quarters than she had intended

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Leanne had spent more time in Malinowska's quarters than she had intended. The promise of a safe haven, away from Phaethon, away from Valkyrie, was too tempting, and the longer she lingered, the less strength she had to rise and face the world again. But as time turned and Day One of the mission turned to Day Two, she knew she could not be weak anymore. The countdown ticked ever on, the moment of the Chimera's oblivion under the Martian guns creeping closer. She had been sent here to discover the truth. So far, she had not even made an audio log to register her progress, even for posterity's sake. Despite the comms blackout, the eyes of the world – of all the United Worlds: Earth, Helios, Colchis, Mars – would be upon her.

With renewed clarity, she schemed to return to the control centre and access the camera systems. Valkyrie had been able to see her somehow; there must have been visual points throughout the ship, CCTV or internal lines to watch over the crew. This was a BASE ship, according to Valkyrie. The company did not scrimp on surveillance.

Wrench attached to her belt, trying to stop the shivering of her legs, Leanne descended from Malinowska's room and left the refuge of the crew quarters. Back through the vents she clambered, listening at every junction for the sound of metallic limbs. No red light passed the access hatches, no antennae tapped and searched the walls like an animal hunting for vulnerability. She reached the command centre quicker than expected and suddenly, beyond the vent, the wide chamber opened before her. It looked every bit as terrifying and daunting as before, blue consoles glowing like beacons wishing to trap her in their apparent safety.

She eased herself to the edge of the shaft and, laying low, peered outside. Empty corridors stretched to starboard and to port, disappearing into the vastness of the Chimera. Perhaps, she thought vainly, Phaethon had given up and exited the ship again. Perhaps Nerio had managed to break through the blackout and de-activate it. Perhaps Valkyrie had isolated it and destroyed it.

She had not heard from the imperious AI for hours. Leanne did not know if that was a good or a bad sign. She would have to talk to it in order to be directed to the right system. Get the cameras online, Leanne told herself, and then return to Malinowska's quarters, try to access her intranet, and scope out Phaethon's location. There was no way forward but the destruction of the probe.

Releasing a long, shivering breath, Leanne clawed herself out of the shaft. She slowly rose, straightening her back and shoulders, trying to ignore how they wanted to seize up in fear. She needed to be in control of her body, needed to consider every step and every movement. No sudden jerks, no loud noises, nothing but calm, considered motions, the way she had always worked and been taught. This was like an EVA. Two points of contact at all times with the vessel, slow and steady, one by one...

Heart thundering, she reached the middle of the command centre. The room gaped around her, left to right consumed with open space and nowhere to hide. Forcibly releasing one hand from her trusty wrench, she grabbed the edge of a console. God, she thought, her bones were so tense, her organs tied so tightly that she felt dizzy. She hoped that was just her fear and not something Valkyrie had poisoned the recycled air with...

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