Chapter 7

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(This is more than one parter.)

The day has finally arrived. The ridgewood middle school annual fall dance.

The narrow school hallways crowd with all kinds of students trying to buy tickets for the event that will be held later this evening.

The student council members that ran the small ticket booths handed out tickets to the crowd as the crowd just kept getting larger and larger.

"Okay people, stop crowding around the stands please! And get into a single fill straight line! And I don't care if y'all are part of the community or single or not! Move it!" The student council president yells out, and as soon as she does everyone immediately gets into the most straightest line the schools have ever seen.

"Good, now those who have got their tickets, need to leave!" She yells out again, which gets people to listen and leave.

Luz looks at the line before looking at her twin sister. "Alright Vee, we're almost up, just need to ask this again. How many tickets do we buy for our group?".

"Let me just calculate that real quick. There's me and you, Leo, Hunter, Willow, possibly Gus and Matt, Amity, Ame, and Luce. Did I miss anyone?", she counts the numbers on her fingers.

"Wait, are Edric and Emira coming?"

"I think so? But I heard their going with their other friends so we don't need to worry about their tickets".

"Wait, I just remembered, didn't Hunter say we needed to by a ticket for his girlfriend?"

Vee face palms herself. "No duh. He did. Thanks Luzzy".

Luz laughs before she responds. "Since when was that confirmed my nickname?"

"Since me and Lucia decided".

"Oh wow, I see, leaving me out for the agreement to my nickname".

"Ummm..We're next". And just as Vee says that, they are indeed next in line. Luz walks up first and then followed by her is Vee.

"How many in your group?" A girl no older than 13 asks. She has a blue stripe in her strawberry blonde hair, and brown eyes.

"We have eleven people in our group, I think?" Luz speaks in an unsure voice.

"Alright", she tears out eleven blue tickets before she hands them to Vee who had her palm out for the tickets. "That'll be eleven dollars".

Luz nods and hands her the money. "Thanks Carson." She smiles as she takes some of the tickets out of Vee's hand.

Once they get their tickets they walk back out of the school to meet up with Willow and Gus.

"Here's your tickets" Luz says as she hands Willow and Gus their tickets.

"And don't worry, we have Matt's ticket as well Gus". Vee hands him the ticket.

"Ok great, we'll see you guys later tonight!" Willow speaks excitedly as she takes Gus's hand and drags him away.

(At the Noceda residence)

Camilla stands outside on the light brown porch, while taking a small sip from her water.

When suddenly a small white car pulls up into the driveway, and parks right next to the porch. The car lights turn off and both car doors open.

A young teen girl with blond hair and dark green eyes, steps out of the vehicle. Her outfit consists of a very short white skirt with a blue tank top, with black heels. One one hand she carries her luxury hand bag, and on the other she carries a dress bag that holds her dress inside.

Friendship to Love حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن