Helping you (Lucas Bennet)

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It had been five years since Lucas had been in that tsunami, and it had been the most traumatic years of his life. You were his best friend and it hurt you to see him like this. He was so scared to go anywhere near water and you didn't blame him. You had to bribe him to have a shower and even then it would be less than five minutes. But today you didn't think bribing would work. You were going to do a swim test in P.E and Lucas had made up every excuse you could think of.

Lucas: Y/n I can't go today, I have to bring my dog to a dog show.

Y/n: Lucas, you don't have a dog.

Lucas: Okay fine, I don't want to go in today we have to swim two lengths of the pool and I can barely look at water. How am I going to be able to do it?

Y/n: Lucas, you will be fine, I'll be there if anything happens to you. I promise.

Lucas: I know you will but I'm afraid I won't be able to get in the water without running away.

Y/n: Yes you will, and do you know how I know that? Because I know once you get in you will see that there is nothing to worry about and you will be the first one to complete it and you won't have to do it again.

Lucas: Fine but if anything happens I'm blaming you.


You and Lucas had to part ways once you got to the pool. He went into the boys changing rooms and you went to the girls. He was so worried, he got changed quickly so he didn't have to think about it any longer than he already did. He walked out and ran over to where you were.

Y/n: Come on. You ready.

Lucas: More than I'll ever be.

You took a hold of his hand and gently lead him over to the edge of the pool. You dipped your foot in to show him that it was okay and there was nothing to be afraid of. You knelt down and he followed, once he was comfortable you put both your legs in, waiting for him to join you.

Y/n: You going to join me?

Lucas: I don't know maybe I'll just wait for you outside.

Y/n: No, come on. You've made it this far there is no point giving up now.

He just stared at you worriedly.

Y/n: If you get in I will bring you to the funfair in town and buy you anything you want, all on me.

This got his attention and he slowly put his feet in the water, then you fully got in still holding his hand to let him know you were there. Finally he got in and he soon realised it wasn't as bad as he remembered it to be. Once he was comfortable he started to swim a little and once he knew he would be safe, he was ready to swim the two lengths.

Coach: Okay, begin in 3,2,1.

Lucas was feeling confident about the test and once he finished the first length he did the second one with ease. You were so proud of him that he was able to accomplish his fear of water and you didn't have to bribe him anymore.

Y/n: Lucas I am so proud of you!

Lucas: I know, it actually wasn't that bad. Thank you for being there and believing in me.

Y/n: That's what best friends are for.

Lucas didn't know what got into him, maybe he was confident from getting over his fear but he leaned in to give you a kiss and you did the same. It was long overdue, he liked you for years and suddenly he got the confidence to just kiss you.

Lucas: Will you be my girlfriend Y/n?

Y/n: Of course I will Lucas. I love you so much.

Lucas: I love you too Y/n.


Words: 671

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