Teenage Pregnancy p.p

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You couldn't believe what you were staring at.... a positive pregnancy test. You were sure you and Peter were being safe, but apparently not according to the test. How was Peter going to react when he finds out he was going to be a father at 16. How were you going to give birth at 16, you both had to finish school, Peter had his Spiderman duties. This was possibly the worst timing.

You heard a knock on your bedroom door and you quickly wiped away your tears and hid the test under your pillow.

Y/n: Come in!

Dad: Hey sweety I was just wondering what you were doing.

Y/n: Oh, I was going over to Peters for a while, I need to tell him something.

Dad: Yeah, that's ok. Be safe ok, and don't do anything you will regret. I don't like that Parker boy.

Y/n: Yeah ok we will and Peters a great guy.

It was a bit late for that. You got your bag ready and texted Peter to tell him that you would be over in a few minutes. You looked at the pregnancy test before you put it in your bag and a smile came across your face. Maybe it wasn't to bad after all, it was actually amazing to you that there is a mini version of you and Peter in you right now.

When you arrived at Peters, May answered the door and she could sense the worry on your face. You decided to let Peter know first and you would tell Aunt May later. This is the part you were dreading, you knocked on Peters door and he opened it for you. You gave him a hug and he tensed up, maybe he could sense that you were pregnant because of his peter tingle. You sat down on his bed and so did he.

Y/n: Peter before I show you this, I want you to know that I love you so much and I hope you can forgive me. But this might ruin our relationship and I just hope that we can work this out. Just don't get mad at me, please.

Peter: Y/n your scaring me now and I'm sure whatever it is that you need to tell me, we can work it out and I promise I won't get mad. I'm sure its not that bad.

Y/n: I'm pregnant.

Peters eyes went wide, he was so shocked. He sensed something was wrong when you walked in but when you gave him a hug he could hear an extra heart beat coming from you. He thought your heart was beating faster than normal, but no, you were pregnant, he was going to be a dad.

Peter: Oh my god! How, I mean we used protection every time and aren't you on plan B. How did this happen. We can't be parents at our age. We still have school and I have Spiderman duties. What is May going to think and your parents. I'm sorry I'm not mad I'm just worried.

Y/n: I know Peter and it's ok to be worried, I am too. I have to have the baby. But we have to figure out what we are going to do, because all I know is that I don't want to get rid of it.

Peter: Neither do I. But Y/n when are we going to get time to look after the baby, when we can barely look after ourselves.

Y/n: We don't have to worry about that right now, all that matters is that we both are on the same page on whether or not we want to keep it.

Peter: Your right. Do you have the test with you?

Y/n: Yeah, here.

You got the two tests you took out of your bag and handed them to Peter. Peter was actually happy that this happened, I mean it wouldn't be easy but you were right, you wanted to keep the baby and he was happy with that.

Peter: Wow! Your actually pregnant.


Peter quickly hid the test behind his back and you both looked at May innocently.

May: Don't act all innocent now, I heard you. Y/n are you pregnant?

Y/n: Yeah. May we're so sorry it was an accident, we were safe every time I promise.

Peter: Yeah May we are really sorry.

May: Be quiet Peter, Y/n are you ok with all of this? Do you know what you are going to do?

Y/n: Me and Peter have decided to keep it and see where we want to go from there.

May came over and gave you a hug. Thank god she didn't get mad and yell at you and Peter, you didn't know what you would have done if she didn't support you.

Peter: May I promise I'm going to be there for Y/n every step of the way and I'll even get a job to pay for all the things her or the baby needs.

This made you tear up at the fact Peter was ready to step up and be an adult and be there for you and the baby. Oh god the hormones are already kicking in.

May: I know you will Peter. I am so proud of you both, that you are already are becoming such good parents to a baby that isn't even here yet. Did you tell your parents yet Y/n?

Y/n: No not yet I'm scared to tell them. My dad said to me before I came here to not do anything I would regret and he was serious.

Peter: It's ok you have a place here if they don't accept it, which I'm sure they will, you their daughter after all.

Y/n: Thanks Peter that really means a lot to me.

Peter: Come on lets get you something to eat.

Peter led you to the kitchen and sat you down at the table while he got you and him a sandwich. He brought it over to where you were sitting, he sat across from you with a happy look on his face.

Y/n: What?

Peter: Do you think it will be a boy or girl? Or could it be twins and we could have a boy AND a girl. What will we name them? We have to get a lot of things. Can we go shopping after we finish our food and look at furniture and clothes?

May: Slow down there buddy we haven't even told Y/n's parents about the baby yet. Plus, where are you going to get the money to buy all those things?

Peter: I've been saving for a while now and we were just going to look.

Y/n: May's right Peter, we should wait a while before we do anything. And you mightn't even be there depending on how my dad reacts, he might kill you.

Peter: Your not serious are you, will he kill me?

Y/n: I don't know Peter, he might.

This put a worried look on Peters face and you weren't sure if your dad will or not, he has been known for doing bad things in the past. But if he did try anything Peter would be able to fight him off.

Y/n: I'm sure he will be happy though as you said I'm his daughter, that has to stand for something, right?

Peter: You know, when you gave me a hug when you came first, I could hear the babies heartbeat. I thought it was just yours beating faster but when you told me I realised.

Y/n: Really, it already has a heartbeat. That's so crazy.

May: Ok Y/n, I got off the phone with your parents. they are coming over for dinner at six.

Y/n: Thanks May, lets hope there happy about all of this.


Words: 1.3k

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