Chapter thirteen

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"You have no idea how funny that was" Gigi laughed loudly at kie. Jj was still in the same position sat down just tipsy but it was clear Gigi was drunk, drunk.
Jj began to pay with Gigi's hair. He felt happy he was with his friends they were all happy. Gigi looked up at him and smiled. It was nice for them to relax around each other they had some mutual agreement that they wouldn't put the passed behind them.
"Shut up G" kie laughed. But the rumble of an engine stopped them. They watched as John b slowly mad his way over to them.
"Well aren't you guys a welcoming bunch" John b said his tone telling the group that he wasn't in pressed with them.
"What" kie said. No one was sure if she hadn't heard him or if she was about to start on him.
"Gosh guys I ask one thing from you guys and you say no because of the passed" John b said looking down at the group. In her drunk state all she saw was her father. His hands on his hips looking down at her disappointed.
"She even helped you Gigi" John b said looking at her. She felt even smaller now he had made it about her. She looked down. Jj wanted with a frown John b never spoke to Gigi like this.
"Dude you sound like a grumpy dad. Shut up" jj said with a laugh.
"I'm going to bed. Have fun getting drunk wasting you life." John b fished off walking away.
"Hey" Gigi and jj said at the same time.
"Should someone go talk to him" pope said looking at kie. There attention had been mainly on each other the whole night.
"Nah he will calm down. He will be fine by tomorrow" kie smiled at pope.
"I'm think I'm going to stay here tonight" Gigi smiled.
"Same it's late" kie smiled.
"Sorry guys I have to help my dad tomorrow" pope said shrugging his shoulders.
"Ahh kie you will have no princes in shining armour" Gigi giggled. Kie shoot her a glare then laughed knowing that her friend was too drunk to realise what she was saying.
"Well I'm going to bed. Kie I will meet you on the cough" Gigi laughed trying to stand up. But that ended up with her in jjs lap.
"Well hello cupcake" he smiled she blushed red looked away from him.
"Let me help you" he held her waisted and walked her towards the house. Kie smiled helping pope up.
" I defo think the should get together" pope smiled
"A million present" kie chuckled.

Once inside. Jj sat Gigi on a chair while he opened the sofa and made it into a bed. He grabbed the blankets from his room then turned to the girl who was already half asleep. She was still in her cloths from this morning some random top and the shorts she wore when they went to the wreck.
"Do you want to change or.." jj asked.
"Umm yeah." The girl stumbled passed him and walked into his room. She then appeared A minute later with some pjs shorts on and a grey tank top.
She jumped into the bed moving around to get comfortable. Jj laughed at her.
"What" she asked noticing that he was laughing at her.
"Nothing I just don't remember the last time you were this drunk" he smiled sitting next to her in bed.
"Well maybe that was because we were as drunk as me" she winked at him.
"Maybe" jj smiled at her. The chateau was cold. Due to the fact that John b could not afford the heating bills every month. The sun hand set awhile ago got and it was very late into the night. They had planed early that they would be going around the marshes tomorrow and do some fishing. This was planned when they were half sober.

Gigi had shut her eyes and was just about asleep when she heard some get into bed next to her.
"Good night cupcake" a male voice whispered next to her. She knew damb well that jj maybanks was next to her but she hand no energy to kick him out so she just hummed a reply back to him.

It was early morning when John b woke up. The event from yesterday flooded his mind. Sarah and the pogues was something he couldn't chose between the only outcome he wanted was them to all be friends together. He knew today was going to be difficult l. He also knew that he shouldn't have snapped at Gigi and should have been calmer talking to the group but today was a new day maybe it would all be okay.

Jj and Gigi had slept of the sofa bed all night. Kie had gone home with pope or pope had walked her home. No one knew but they were not at the chateau anymore. Jj light snoring woke Gigi up. The sun was high in the sky by now and her head was pounding. She rolled over facing jj. His hair was ruffed up and he is faces was squished against the pillow. She laughed softly watching as he breathed calmly.
"You know it's rude to stare" John b said intruding the silence.
"What are you doing up" Gigi had sitting up changing the subject.
"Stuff on my mind" John b said sighing. Gigi climbed out of bed and hand her was over to him.
"You know the past is a lot for some people."
John b nodded his head looking down.
"I saw how she looked at you. She really likes you. And I saw how you look at her" Gigi smirked at him.
"Okay" John b said pushing the girl gently
"You are fighting the battle wrong" Gigi said seriously
"What do you mean" John b asked sitting down.
"You brought her in when we knew nothing about her. It was shock. Try tell us about things next time. Come here" Gigi said noticing the boys sadness. John b got up a hugged her. Gigi hugged him back breathing gently.
"Thanks. I just don't know what to do" John b said flatly.
"Well I can't help you with that one because sorry I'm not her biggest fan" Gigi said with a tight lip smile.
"Not helpful" John b sighed. Gigi laughed and made her way back into the bed.
"I see you had fun last night" John b smirked.
"Don't even" the girl said pulling up the covers and settling down again.
"I'm going food shopping okay" John b smiled at her.
"Cool" Gigi smiled back at him. Thankful that his mood from yesterday was gone. Jj mumbled something in his sleeps. Gigi watched as he face moved from calm to uncomfortable and upset .
"Jj" the girl whispered placing her hand on his back.
"Get off me" jj yelled causing Gigi to move as far away from him as possible.
"Jj it's me it's Gigi" Gigi said he voices only just at whispering level.
Jj gasped for are sitting up straight. His breath was heavy and he looked like he was shaking.
"Gigi" jj didn't trust his voice but he still spoke. He looked around the room gathering himself. He looked to see the girl far away from him. The blanket held around like a shield.
"Are you okay" jj whispered a small voice crack at the beginning of the sentence.
"You scared me that's all" Gigi smiled softly. But the distant between them showed she was uncomfortable.
"Sorry I was having a bad dream" jj mumbled moving closer to her slowly.
"Don't" Gigi said quickly stopping jj from moving any further. He let out a small sigh.
"Gigi I'm sorry it wasn't me I was in a dream okay let me come close to you" jj said slowly. Gigi shock her head. Her mother hand done this once before. Shout at her then pretend it was fine and as soon as Gigi was close enough a slap would follow.
Jj had also had this happen to him the shout then the sorry then the slap. He looked into the girls eyes they were water and scared. He sat up straight and opened his arms. He knew that he could go close to her but she had the power to move closer to him. With his arm still head out he began to talk to her quietly.
"So how is your head" jj asked
"What" Gigi asked raising her eye brow.
"No sorry wrongly worded" jj had putting his head back and laughing making the girl laugh as well. Gigi placed the blanket down but still stayed far away from jj.
"My headache is bad but John b said he was going to the shop so he should bring me some back"
"Good." Jj said smiling at the girl. "Do you want a hug" jj asked his arms still open. Through out the night jj had become very hot and discarded his T-shirt somewhere on the floor.
"Umm." Gigi said looking at the blonde.
"Trust me" jj softly said. Gigi slowly made his way over to him. He guided her legs around his waist and placed his arms around her back. She placed her arms around his neck. And the pair immediately relaxed.
"You are so warm" Gigi giggled
"And your cold" jj laughed.
"Well this house is not..." Gigi got interrupted by jj lying back and rolling over. Her legs there still wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck. He moved his arms up and down her back bring warmth to her. The pair lay in silence it was comfortable just them. Peace.

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