Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

Stepping outside, I scanned the surroundings until my gaze landed on her, standing beside an ice cream truck with a look of pure delight on her face. It all made sense now. "Ivy, come get your ice cream!" she called out, her enthusiasm contagious even from a distance.

I stood beside her, the scent of freshly churned ice cream wafting tantalizingly through the air as she thrust a vanilla cone into my hands. "Meemaw, I haven't even had breakfast yet," I protested, but she dismissed my concern with a nonchalant roll of her eyes. "I don't care, eat," she instructed firmly.

Amused by her insistence, I chuckled softly and expressed my gratitude before taking a tentative lick of the sweet treat. As the creamy flavor danced on my tongue, my phone buzzed in my pocket, drawing my attention away from the ice cream. With a grin spreading across my face, I retrieved it to find a message from Victoria waiting for me: 'How'd you sleep?'

With practiced ease, I tapped out a reply, my heart fluttering at the thought of her. 'Good, but it would've been better if I cuddled with you.' Glancing up, I caught my grandmother's curious gaze fixed upon me. Rather than offering an explanation, I simply shrugged and retreated back into the comfort of the house, eager to savor the sweetness of both the ice cream and Victoria's words in private.

After a few minutes, my grandmother sauntered in and settled onto the couch beside me. Just as she made herself comfortable, my mother swept into the room, her eyes widening in alarm at the sight of the ice cream in our hands. "Mother!" she exclaimed, her tone a mixture of dismay and concern, "You're lactose intolerant!"

My grandmother's response was characteristically nonchalant. With a dismissive shrug, she waved off my mother's worry. "I don't care, Samantha," she retorted, her voice tinged with stubborn determination, "this is worth it."

I couldn't help but chuckle at their exchange, though my mirth was tinged with a hint of apprehension. Note to self: ensure I use the bathroom before my grandmother does—I definitely don't want any unexpected lactose-induced emergencies ruining our day.

Turning my attention back to my phone, I eagerly checked for a response from Victoria. My heart fluttered with anticipation as I read her message: 'Cute. Any plans for the day?'

With a swift reply, I updated her on my agenda: 'Going shopping with my mom and grandmother.' Finishing off the last of my ice cream, I rose from the couch and made my way upstairs to prepare for our trip to the mall.

After three grueling hours of trudging around the mall, my feet throbbed with a vengeance. It seemed my grandmother's leisurely pace was determined to test my endurance. Frustration gnawed at me as I realized I still hadn't found the perfect gift for Victoria.

"I'm going to wander off for a bit," I announced abruptly, pivoting on my heel before anyone could protest. Surely, I could hunt down something more efficiently on my own.

Stepping into a nearby store, I scanned the shelves, hoping for inspiration. Necklaces? Too predictable. Bracelets? Too mundane. I racked my brain, desperate for an idea that would truly capture Victoria's essence.

Exhaling heavily, I abandoned the shop and ventured into the next one. As I perused the aisles, my gaze snagged on something intriguing. With a surge of excitement, I reached out and lifted the object, scrutinizing it intently. Yes, this was it—something unique and special, just like Victoria. Whether she'd adore it or not was irrelevant; all that mattered was the gesture itself.

Clutching my find tightly, a surge of determination coursed through me. Thirteen more days until I could bask in the warmth of her smile again. I could endure anything for her sake.

°•. ✿ .•°

As my parents enveloped me in their tight embrace, tears mingled with bittersweet farewells at the airport departure gate. These two weeks with them had flown by in a blur of cherished moments, and now the time had come to bid them adieu. Though my heart ached at the thought of leaving, a flicker of anticipation kindled within me—I would soon reunite with Victoria, just a few short hours away.

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